I have a 10 year old son who is in the 5th grade. He received a warning and a mark on his weekly grade card but did not bring it home. He told us he got a 100% and did not have to in that situation. However, I received an email from his teacher today saying that he has 3 additional marks for each day that he has not turned in the card. I also found out that he forged my signature on a benchmark TAKS test. The teacher advised me that he turned in the benchmark signed by me today, however, I did not see or sign anything. So now he has forged my signature two times.
We have always had trouble with him lying.. he will lie about the most simple things and ends up getting himself in a big mess because he just adds to them. We have tried to explain to him that if he was honest, he wouldn't have been in trouble to begin with, but he still continues to lie. We have taken away privledges, property, etc. and nothing seems to work.
We do not spank our kids, so any other advice is appreciated.