
11 dpo, af due tomorrow, need some info, please help!!!?

by  |  earlier

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im 11 dpo and my period is due tomorrow.

have been having wet cm, feels like ive come on my period and when i check its just cm.

yesterday and today have slightly been feeling like my period is coming yet nothing, not that i want it to come anyway!!!

having slight cramps also lower back and hip pains.

just wanted some info or when is best to do a hpt?

many thanks xx




  1. go get you some dollar tests, take one today but hold your urine for a couple of hours before you take it. if it is negative then wait a few days and retest. good luck.

  2. I tested after AF is 4 days over due & got a BFP - but faint result. I do experience slight lower tummy cramp on & off for 2 weeks now. Baby dust to all

  3. If you don't get AF in the morning then do a test with your first morning urine. Most tests can be used up to 5 days before your period so you should get an accurate result.

    Good Luck!!!!!  

  4. Im in the same boat at you!, I tested yesterday morning and i got BFN but that is early i mean some women can get a BFP before they miss there periods but some dont, so im hoping thats my sitch and yours as well... wait and see if you start your period tomorrow if you dont then i would test again in the moring! Good luck and baby DUST! I hope this is our month!!! The 2WW does stink! ugh...

  5. I know how you feel, I am 12 dpo today with AF due tomorrow.  I have had sore nipples, some light cramping, plus all this month I have had white creamy CM and lots of it.  I also have been having some morning sickness, which I never have.  I pray that AF does not show and this is our month.  Lots of prayers and baby dust to all TTC'ers.

  6. I am 2 days late (I should have started yesterday) and I got a BFN yesterday.   Too scared to take one today.  I have probably tested every day since I ovulated this month and got -.  Typically I think 14dpo is average to get a BFP.  Or it's actually 13.64dpo or something.  Anyhow, I hope you are more lucky than I am because this waiting stinks!  Baby dust to you, my felloe TTWer. :)

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