
11 dpo and wanting to test but would the results be accurate!...........?

by  |  earlier

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I am terrible... I tested and got a BFN! =(

I'm praying for a BFP in a few days!

brandy L: I hope you get a BFP this week too!

Thanks everyone for your answers!!




  1. I took that brand and it wasn't positive until 14 dpo.  Good luck!

  2. I would wait until af is due. I am having all of the same early symptoms I had with my last two kids and I am also 11 dpo so I tested yesterday and today with BFN's so it really has my spirits down...I wish I had waited a few more day's. Good luck, I hope you get your BFP this week.

  3. Well, I know your anxious but try to wait a couple more days. Everyone is different when it comes to how quickly their HCG rises. Its possible to get a positive but a few more days would be more accurate

  4. Some people get positives that early in their pregnancies, but it takes most at least 13 or 14dpo. If you have a few hpts hanging around, go ahead and take one, but wait 3 days until you take the next.

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