
11 involved in collision. At fault has $25K coverage. I have over $25K in medbills...How write demand letter?

by  |  earlier

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Man at fault hit a truck which inturn hit us-we were at complete stop at red light we hit car infront of us in turn. Police report found the first man at fault that caused the accident only he had insurance and I had insurance. I don't have representation because too many people involved. I assume lawyer thinks not worth their time. My husband, my 10 year old and 1 year old daughters along with myself were in car(total loss)my insurance paid for the car. Now i have no car and med bills over $25K I don't know how to write a demand letter. I am sore and feel pain in lower back and neck and so does my husnband my daughters were checked and are fine but we are all scared now being in the car we were doing nothing wrong and someone just came and hit us. I called the hospital but they said they cant lower my bills. I need to write a demand letter but dont know where to get started. I lost 2 days of work. what do I do? anything that can help is appreciated.




  1. An insurance company sympathizer will say you are stuck with $25 K irregardless of how much  $ you spent in medical bills -

    MY insurance company tells me that if the medical bills are more than my insurance is worth that they will not touch it, I will be sued & I will loose my house.

    I don't know which is true.


  2. This is something that your insurance company should be doing for you.  It will fall under your medical coverage and under your uninsured / under insured coverage if you have that.

    Contact your agent for advice.

  3. You can try to file the extras under your insurance policy, they have an uninsured/under-insured motorist coverage that would kick your agent!

  4. Knowing what state the accident happened in would be a huge help. I'll throw out the following info for general help.

    Sorry, but you have a real mess on your hands. There is a chance that the at-fault party has $50,000 in coverage. Many policies are 25,000/50,000. The first number is the max amount any one injured person can collect and the second number is the max that will be paid no matter how many people were hurt.

    The big question is do you have any health insurance or car insurance to pay your medical bills? Without one or both of those you are in a real bad situation.

    Also, if you have car insurance you need to see if you have Uderinsured Motorist Bodily Injury coverage, which might come into play here.

    Sending a demand letter is pretty simple, but with it you need to include copies of the medical bills and doctors reports. The insurance will need this info in order to place values on the claims. The letter should tell the company that you are ready to settle (but you should wait until you are done treating) and that you would like them to evaluate your claim and make an offer if they can. Short and sweet will do it.  

    Now for even more bad news. If there are a lot of injured people, the at-fault guy may not have enough coverage to pay for all the injuries in full. One of the side effects of this is his company may not be able to pay any claims for a long time. ALL the injury claims will need to be evaluated in order to see if there is enough money to properly pay all the injury claims.

    If you get a chance edit your question and answer the questions I have above and I'll try to give you better answers.  

    Good Luck

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