I have a daughter who just turned 11mos 2days ago. Today she farted after eating a bit of food and my wife thought it was a good idea to put her on the toilet to have her p**p in the toilet. My daughter was terrified. In fact, I don't think I've ever heard her scream like that for so long or so hard (over 20min).
I know she is no where near being ready to go potti (she just began walking 3 weeks ago). But my wife (this being the 1st child she's ever been around and cared for) instead of admitting she's trying to do it for her own gratification said she cried because she was constipated (even though she immediately put her on the toilet after she farted).
If the baby cannot even say poo poo or potti, how in the world is she suppose to know how to p**p? I just need some people to let me know I am not crazy, because she's a little off. Oh by the way, my wife is a 4th year med student, who is about to do anestesia (Hope she doesn't have to work on you, just kidding, she's very bright, book smart 100%, but life skills she's definitely lacking)
Thanks for any input