
11 month old son not sleeping through the night ... need help

by  |  earlier

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my son is going to be 11 months in a few days and he doesn't seep through the night, he gets up about 3 times a night. we have him on a bedtime routine, bath @7 then 8oz bottle @8 rocking til 8:30 and to the crib... i am at my wits end at the moment and need help. i have a daughter due in a month and need to get him to sleep through the night haven't had sleep in the past 3 nights and an going crazy... HELP PLEASE!!!




  1. oh my god, i don't really have too much advice to give as it sounds like your doing all the right things to me. some babies just take a little bit more time to sleep through than others. do you talk to your little one when he wakes up at night? when my daughter used to wake up at night i used to change/ feed and burp her with out stimulating her at all, i wouldn't talk to her or make her laugh, i just used to cuddle her back to sleep, also try using Johnson's night time bath and baby lotion, it worked for me. but i just wanted to say, please ignore that rude, ignorant comment that was posted before mine, that person obviously doesn't have some one they can share their life with and have 2 beautiful children as an outcome, i just wanted to say what an absolute w***er. sounds like your doing a great job. good luck

  2. try putting on some soothing music, or sounds of nature you can get Cd's anywhere, they are calming. good luck

  3. I really never had a problem with my children sleeping through the night, but then again I started feeding them oatmeal before bed at about 3 months old (VERY WATERED DOWN).    If you only keep a child on formula or beast milk by a few months old they start to need more sustanance to carry them through.

  4. I have an 11 month old that was doing the same thing... I realized that he is actually a bit hungry still.  So at dinner time, I've bumped him up from Stage 3 Gerber food to those cute lil entre dinners with a fruit.  We eat dinner between 5-6 pm and then about an hour or 2 later he gets an 8 oz bottle... now this is usually enough to substain him through the night now.

  5. Basically you have to be the parent and not the friend and its HARD. I have been adimant about putting my daughter to bed and leaving her there. Make sure he is fed, bathed, got a clean diaper, and not running fever. Put him in bed, either awake or asleep (i put her to bed awake) and leave the room and shut the door. My daughter whines for at the longest 20 mins and then passes out. It is tough to hear your baby cry but you have to quit running to him every time, that's why he does it. My daughter has been sleeping in her bed, through the night, since she was 3 weeks old. The only time i go in there is if she is screaming for longer than usual to make sure she's not sick, other than that, let him be.

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