I told the father of my child, who I am 11 weeks pregnant with, as soon as I learned the news. We had been having this "forbidden" intimate relationship for a few years now ( I dated his cousin, who is currently in prison for 7ish years) and his initial reaction was great: we need to talk, figure out what to do, we're adults I support you 100% either way. a few weeks later the convo became one of him wanting me to have an abortion. Long story short I have decided to keep the baby and he says he doesn't owe me, only his child and when the baby gets there we will go from there. I am very upset because I feel very alone and he does not call for updates or anything. He is currently out of town for a few more days and when he returns I need to call and ask how he wants to break the news to fam. I dont know how to do this or if I should. His dad and I have a great relationship so I'm not afraid to tell him but feel I need to ask him first. He now says he is planning to move out of state