
11 weeks and very alone?

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I told the father of my child, who I am 11 weeks pregnant with, as soon as I learned the news. We had been having this "forbidden" intimate relationship for a few years now ( I dated his cousin, who is currently in prison for 7ish years) and his initial reaction was great: we need to talk, figure out what to do, we're adults I support you 100% either way. a few weeks later the convo became one of him wanting me to have an abortion. Long story short I have decided to keep the baby and he says he doesn't owe me, only his child and when the baby gets there we will go from there. I am very upset because I feel very alone and he does not call for updates or anything. He is currently out of town for a few more days and when he returns I need to call and ask how he wants to break the news to fam. I dont know how to do this or if I should. His dad and I have a great relationship so I'm not afraid to tell him but feel I need to ask him first. He now says he is planning to move out of state




  1. Don't count on this guy or his family. You are all alone.

    I can only hope you have a great job that has insurance and a means to take care of both you and your baby.

    Good luck.

  2. This guy clearly isn't coming through for you, so you need to find other sources of support.  Call 800-395-HELP to find a support group in your area.  They can also refer you to a lawyer in the event that a custody/child support issue arises.

    Some states have what's called a "putative father law."  Basically, if the father isn't married to the mom, he has to register with the state to secure parental rights.  He also has to show his interest during the pregnancy, by doing things like going with you to doctors' appointments, contributing financially, etc.  Do some research and see what your (and his) rights are.

    <3 Kelsey

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