I'm clearly nervous. I lost my last pregnancy with a missed miscarriage. So I'm constantly wondering if I'm still pregnant. I've had no bleeding. But I didn't last time either.
I saw the baby and heartbeat a week ago. I see my Dr. again in 2 weeks.
1. I still have period like cramping. I have since about week 5. Is this normal? I get lower abdominal cramping as well. It was pretty bad last night. BUT, no bleeding. I also get shooting pains.
2. I'm having a hard time eating, and want to make sure I'm getting proper nutrition. I'm taking my vitamins. I pretty much eat cheese and cracker and fruit and drink vegetable juice and eat as many as possible. I'm having a hard time with meat and know I need protein from somewhere.
3. Do hcg levels at this time fluctuate? And how long do they take to go down after a miscarriage. Doing those would e reassurring. But it can be a waste of time and costly. I know hcg levels take a while to go down and if any is detected it'll say positive even if you have miscarried. PLUS, at this point in a pregnancy, I don't know what happens with that stuff.