
11 weeks pregnant and would like advice?

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I'm clearly nervous. I lost my last pregnancy with a missed miscarriage. So I'm constantly wondering if I'm still pregnant. I've had no bleeding. But I didn't last time either.

I saw the baby and heartbeat a week ago. I see my Dr. again in 2 weeks.

1. I still have period like cramping. I have since about week 5. Is this normal? I get lower abdominal cramping as well. It was pretty bad last night. BUT, no bleeding. I also get shooting pains.

2. I'm having a hard time eating, and want to make sure I'm getting proper nutrition. I'm taking my vitamins. I pretty much eat cheese and cracker and fruit and drink vegetable juice and eat as many as possible. I'm having a hard time with meat and know I need protein from somewhere.

3. Do hcg levels at this time fluctuate? And how long do they take to go down after a miscarriage. Doing those would e reassurring. But it can be a waste of time and costly. I know hcg levels take a while to go down and if any is detected it'll say positive even if you have miscarried. PLUS, at this point in a pregnancy, I don't know what happens with that stuff.




  1. I am in the same situation as you are. I had a missed miscarriage in April. Had no idea the baby was gone for about 4 weeks, now I am also 11w3d and I constantly wonder the same things as you do. I saw the baby two weeks ago and saw it in there squirming and wiggling and I don't have another appointment for 3 weeks and am scared all the time about it. But I just feel blessed and know it is in God's hands and feel really good about it this time around. I do still worry though. I don't think that it's something you can really help after going through what we've been through. Everything will be good this time around just have faith. You've got a good start!  

  2. i had cramps all throughout my first trimester. its normal. so is aversions to different foods, even your favorite foods. hcg levels go up throughout pregnancy. i believe it takes a few days for hcg to go away after miscarriage.

    try not to stress, it will only stress the baby! at 12 weeks, the rate of miscarriage drops drastically!

  3. It's called seeing a doc, hon.  YA is no place to ask this stuff... all the girls on here are 13....and pregnant.

  4. one i was told after seeing/hearing the heartbeat the chance of a miscarriage go down. also try drinking more water, I'm sure you think your drinking a lot or tons, but with my daughter i was cramming a lot through out the whole thing because i wasn't drinking enough water and was getting dehydrated.

    as for the meat, you are still in your first trimester so it may be hard to eat certain things and it may go away after you start your second, your appetite may go up as well. if not its ok, talk with your doc, ask if they have a nutritionist you may speak with, they should be able to help you out.

    as for the last part I'm not sure id ask the doc about that.


  5. Lol, not all of us are 13!!


    I think you should call your doctor and express your concerns.

    Good luck.

  6. I am also 11 weeks pregnant and I still have a hard time with food some days and I still cramp. As for your other question I am unsure of the answer due to I have never experienced it before. Good Luck and congratulations!

  7. I wouldn't spend the whole time worrying u heard the baby's heartbeat so everything should be fine! I am 10 weeks and I had my 1st prenatal appt at 6 weeks so i haven't had another one in almost a month and at my last appt they couldn't hear the heartbeat and i have no pregnancy symptoms except some abdominal cramping and lower back pain, if i turn over to fast in bed i get a sharp pain thru my stomach but i was told their all normal pregnancy pains..I also have been soo scared that something will be wrong my appt is 2morrow and i am so excited i can't wait to hear my baby's heartbeat. But it's normal to be scared just try to enjoy being pregnant!

  8. As long as your cramping stopped then I am sure everything is fine. The cramping was probably from your uterus stretching and this is commong during pregnancy. I'm 7 weeks and every now and then I feel period like cramping. It's not so bad though. Some women completely lose their pregnancy symptom once she have miscarried but for some, it may take a couple days. Usually a miscarriage happens really fast. You should try not to worry, it's not good for the pregnancy. Just take one day at a time and think positive.  

  9. if worried speak to midwife. i had cramping but it was not too bad but it sounds as if all is well as you have seen the baby and lil ones heart beating. next week your risk goes down and with every week that passes but they should keep a close eye on you. you really don't need the supplements unless you are aneamic as they can increase the risk of miscarriage eat soya beans and pulses if you can't tolerate meat eggs and milk are good too eat a good range of home cooked foods and little and often. don't keep doing pregnancy tests as you will stress out and see doctor before if you feel a need to.

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