My daughter has 3 "friends" that I despise. They do mean things like when they are all together the 3 will ignore my daughter or they will email my daughter saying "we are having a sleepover for two nights together!" - when they are not inviting my daughter. It drives me crazy.
There are nice girls who try to be friends with my daughter and she semi- blows them off in order to be accepted by these other 3.
When I let her have a sleepover, she always chooses one of these 3 instead of one of the nice ones.
When the 3 do something mean, I have been trying to nicely point it out by saying "what do you think about what they did? I don't think it is very nice." and she always says "it's fine. they aren't trying to be mean"
Any advice would be helpful on how to handle this situation. I find myself leaning towards not letting her have friends over night, etc because I know she is going to pick one of these girls that I don't care for.