My 11 year old son has Asperger’s Syndrome and is at a special school. He seems very normal, but recently has been rather ‘in his own world’ due to the break-up of my marriage and his father moving out of the house. He is off with his school tomorrow for a week away mountain climbing, stream crossing etc. far, far away. I am very worried about him as he is five years younger than any other students (he is quite bright). The others are all 16. I am worried that he might be swept off in a river or fall of a mountain or something. He has never been away from home except for a couple of nights at his godmother's once. I’m also worried as he will be sharing a room with a 16 year old boy and as he’s been abused before (many years ago) I’m scared it might happen again. His school are not at all worried about him. But I’m worried sick – should I let him go?
P.s. I’ve also forgotten to buy him gloves – and now it’s too late!