
11 years old still wears GOODNITES

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my 11 year old son wears goodnites and every night at 8:00 he puts them on and 30 min after they look a little wet he goes to bed at 9:00 and wont go pee before and in the morning he wakes up at 8:30 or so and goes stright down in a te-**** and his WET goodnites and sits by the TV and wont take them off till like 11:30-12:00 i tell him once in a while TAKE THOE OFF he wont i think he likes to wear them I think at the middle of the night he putt a new one on once A month or so and when he take them off in the morn they are wet relly wet???? what should i do I SPEND A LOT OF MONEY ON THESE AND HE WANTS ME TO BUY THE BOXERS OR UNDERJAMS




  1. my son he went the beb wake up ham and  tall go to bothroom pee and tall ham if you go to both night  wake up go pee in bothroom and go to bothroom he pee and he did not wet his bebnow more he is 14 now and trond ham go bothroom moler night wake up .

  2. my son is 10 yrs old and he wets his bed every night. He went without wetting the bed for 3 months during football season. I wouldn't allow him to play football if he wet his bed. Now that football has is over for him,he wets his bed every night.I went and bought him some adult diapers and he pees thrrough the diaper soaking his pajamas and blankets. Itook him to a speacialist and the doctor ran all kinds of test on him and found nothing wrong with him. my son tells us he wakes up at night to go but he just doesnt want to get out of bed to go.please give some advise on what to do.

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Latest activity: 10 years, 5 month(s) ago.
This question has 2 answers.


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