
118 IQ For an 18 year old male?

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I Took an IQ Test on The Classic IQ Test website and i scored 118 Is this good or bad




  1. IQ tests online are highly unreliable considering the testing process.  Some sites are rather easy.  I took a iq test on a site and got a 130 and on another got a 95.  I have an iq of 120 I got mine professionally taken.

  2. thats above average or average i would think. but not all that great

  3. Online tests are only games, so you're not going to be able to tell your real IQ from one.  If you're curious, go to your local college or university and get a real one.

  4. Your age is immaterial. IQ shouldn't change over time.

    100 is average. 135 is genius. You're slightly smarter than average but you're not a genius.

  5. It doesn't matter about your age really, but yeah that is 18 points higher than average. I don't think that 135 is genius, I am a 141 and I'm not a genius as far as i'm concerned.


    Useful Chart :

    Over 140 - Genius or near genius

    120 - 140 - Very superior intelligence

    110 - 119 - Superior intelligence

    90 - 109 - Normal or average intelligence

    80 - 89 - Dullness

    70 - 79 - Borderline deficiency

    Under 70 - Definite feeble-mindedness

    What IQ Scores mean -

  6. I got 125 IQ when i was 21 and i thought it was bad so 118 must be worse...  But don't worry because below average people outnumbered the intelligent ones in population wise.

  7. you did good. 65 is retarded. 100 is average. 150 is genius.

  8. yea dude ure like a 14 yr old >.> cousin is 15 and she has an IQ of 184 (somewhere over 180 >.>....and she is gettin smarter lol) so yea basically ure  a moron no offense...but remember IQ measures prob solving ability, and some knowledge about the world and get smarter lol


    ps my IQ is like 120 or over :P

  9. 100 is average.

    But age is totally immaterial to be honest.

    I'm 15 and I have an IQ of 160.

    But my mates mum is 43 and has an IQ of 78.

    I would say its good.

  10. Not extremely well, not bad either.

  11. whatever you are is fine, don't be so concerned with numbers because they don't mean anything.

  12. well average IQ is 100 while Mensa (the society that accepts people who score in the 98% of the population) IQ is between a 132 - 148.  So i would say you are above average but not yet a genius :)

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