
11th grade class decisions. Can someone help?

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Okay, so

this year I'm takinh

AP Biology

AP English and

AP US History

As AP Biology has been known to be the hardest class on campus and a "GPA killer", I'm rethinking whether or not to drop it and do something like anatomy (not AP).

What should I do?

I want to have an impressive college application and take a lot of AP classes,

but I also don't want to have a C or lower on my transcripts.





  1. I personally am not doing AP Biology this year, because my friends warned me that it is a G.P.A. killer. I think your smat considering anatomy or something that will help you instead of bomb you. I would not recommend taking AP biology, unless you want to test yourself. If you just want to play it safe and get a good G.P.A. then I wouldn't recommend it.  

  2. it is the gpa killer! i should know. my teacher had to curve so much cuz we kept failing. most of the tests were take home cuz we all just kept failing. she didn't even care about us handing our labs anymore. we took our final twice and she gave us a curve. that is how bad it is.

    but if you get a b in ap bio or higher it will do wonders for your gpa cuz of the balance system c**p thingy. so take the class.

    don't stress yourself too much. you are a junior, you have other c**p to worry about (i.e. SATs, ACTs).

    ap history and english were easy, well at least for me.

    good luck!  

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