
11yo son wants to take up thai boxing?

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my 11yo son recenty watched a program on tv about kids is age doing this sport and he wants to take it up.

he is a brown belt in karate but i still scared he get hurt

how dangerous is exactly at there age and is it sutible for him to be doing




  1. Awesome, it's great to be not only mentally fit but physically fit as well. I believe this will make your son a well rounded individual. Think of all the possibilities this can bring for your son.  I just joined my self and I wished I would have joined a long time ago. you son is very lucky.

  2. im 12, and I started boxing three months ago..

    i am a straight A student and plan to get a scholarship to a great highschool and plan to go to Harvard Law school...

    I would rather box then do muai thai..

    boxing is a great sport and a great way to get in shape and learn self defense..

    Boxing can be dangerous but the officals and trainers make sure that the children who box at an amateur level will be protected at all times..

    I plan on being a world champion at the amateur level but not going pro..

    I still plan on being a top lawyer..

    The most that can happen is a nosebleed or a knockdown(1)..

    Muai thai is more dangerous because it uses hands and feet, with out that much protection..

    Boxing uses only hands and well cushioned gloves, groin protector, and a headgear..

  3. I agree with Rules. Definatly get him in a program if thats what he wants to do. It is a controlled environment. He's not gonna get killed. I'd give anything if I could go back in time and do karatee or boxing instead of baseball.

  4. I wish I could do thai boxing but there's no place that does it by me so I just do boxing.

    However if I was in your shoes I would let him do it and I wouldn't wait until he gets older either.

    Thai boxing is all about making your bones extremely tough, so tough that you can kick and punch wooden blocks without harming yourself.

    To get the most out of this it's best to start young because his body is still developing meaning his bones will react better to change and all real thai boxers start when there young.

    I doubt it will be anything like karate though, thai boxing is a real blood sport where you can elbow and knee your opponent in the face causing real damage, I remember seen this one fight where this thai bloke elbowed this other guy in the head and causing a massive deep 4 inch cut in his head and there was loads of blood.

    However don't let this put you off as them are real professional fights, im just saying it will most likely be a lot tougher than karate, but then the tougher the sport the tougher your child will become which is always a good thing.

  5. What a waste of energy and time.  What's he plan to be in life, a bully?  Take him to the library..

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