
12/21/2012. . . do you think life will end? what do you believe will happen, if anything?

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12/21/2012. . . do you think life will end? what do you believe will happen, if anything?




  1. you missed the end of the world... it happened at y2k... we're just living in the matrix now.

  2. that is not the end.... but it is the start of events leading to the end....

  3. I don't expect anything to happen other than a few nuts committing suicide.

    I, myself, plan aon sitting in a comfortable louge chair on the top of a hill with a pair of binoculars and an ice chest full of beer. I think it will be a great excuse to *Drink* and have a good viewing site if something does...  anyone want to join me?

  4. I think the world will not end there. The world will 'end' when Jesus comes, and God says in the bible that he will come like a thief in the night and when people say he's coming, he wont come.

  5. ill tell you what will happen. i will get up at 6 am and go to work by a cheeseburger for lunch and go home and pay bills like always.

    heres a thought how many of these have we had before

  6. In my opinion, no man will know when life will come to an end. The year Y2K had everyone flying in sparks, yet nothing happened, except technology got even better. I am a Christian, and I believe that you just have to be on guard because the end of the world could be any time at all.

  7. It all depends on how you look at it. some view it as a great change, others view it as a ending of mankind or rather all we know. I believe We will wake up to see a new beginning in our lives, almost as if life itself has been wiped clean of its wrong doings and luxuries yet allowed to keep one thing from the past, just like warriors might do before they go into battle, case in point, I believe nothing we know will change, but something completely new will enter in to every person's life. something major.

  8. I will get up, go to work, go home, and then go to sleep.

  9. I don't think God uses yahoo answers. Sorry.

  10. No one knows... it is just best to be prepared, meaning do whatever you need to do to be ready regardless of when it happens.

  11. the Mayan calender will restart nothing more

  12. go to they address this question.look for it.

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