
12.5 weeks, pink after intercourse?

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Hi. Wow... I find that I am MUCH more comfortable answering questions than asking them! I apologize in advance if this is too much info.

My husband and I just made love, and afterwards when I went to the bathroom, there was a very light pink tinge that showed up (barely visible) on the toilet paper. I have had three miscarriages, and I've spotted during my previous pregnancies, so I know that it is possible to spot without miscarrying, but I am totally freaked out now. There hasn't been any more since the initial wipe, but has anyone else experienced this? I am too scared to sleep. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.




  1. it's normal especially at the end of the period and after some vigorous s*x.  

  2. Don't stress. It's most likely nothing. Stress will just make the chances higher.

  3. To be frank you're much more sensitive down there and there is increased blood flow to the area so it's actually quite normal to spot a little after intercourse. It's when it doesn't stop that you should see your doc or head to the ER. I've had 2 miscarriages though myself and so I know how hard it is not to worry about every little thing. Just hang in there. I'm sure you're going to be just fine. Good luck!

  4. NORMAL!! my hubby and i actually went to the ER when it happened with my 2nd baby! We were both freaking out! The baby is now 14 months and perfect! They said it was normal and my dr did a us and said everything was fine and that it was normal!  

  5. I've had that a couple of times. My midwife told me it was from my cervix being bumped a bit during intercourse. So we just changed our angle ;) I'm sure you're fine, the cervix is full of little blood vessels and is sensitive. Try to relax, go to sleep.  

  6. I think if you are that scared you might want to get it checked out by a doctor.  You worrying could cause the not so bad to get a lot worse.  I personally would say you are fine and don't worry about it.  I was nearly 2 1/2- 3 months along when I began to spot a bit and the OB told me it is normal.  If you begin to feel the sharp cramping thats when I would really worry.

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