
12 DPO with no pms or preg symptoms...could this by my month?

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I always get sore b*****s around 3-4 dpo (no fail) and my cramps normally start around 10 dpo. I'm at 12 dpo today and my b*****s aren't tender at all but they're starting to get slightly itchy. I also haven't had any cramps yet. I stopped obsessing about the whole ttc thing and just realized this morning that I was 12 dpo with no pms symptoms. Is this normal or could this be a good sign that I may be preg? I'm going to wait until af day to test just so I don't get a false reading this early. Let me know what you ladies think.




  1. Many women trying to conceive hope that they are pregnant. So they desperately try to interpret any physical signs before or shortly after missing a period  to being pregnant.

    They usually ask the following questions:

    "I haven't missed my period yet but I have (choose one or more of the following):"

    sore b*****s




    abdominal pain

    increased weight

    increased/decreased appetite

    cervical changes

    no pregnancy signs

    no sore breats

    no PMS symptoms

    All of this is just guessing and pure speculation. Many women with these symptoms turn out to not be pregnant, and many women without these symptoms turn out that they are pregnant. For each woman with symptoms who turns out to be pregnant there are many more who turn out to not be pregnant.

    The bottom line is that you just can never tell with enough certainty before missing a period whether you are pregnant or not. There are no symptoms, no matter how hard you try finding them, which can tell you with enough certainty whether you are pregnant or not. This may sound cruel but it is reality. You can hope. You can speculate.

    Until you miss your period and get that big fat BFP, until you get a positive pregnancy test, it is impossible to know with enough certainty whether you are pregnant or not.

  2. This all sounds great. Best of luck with testing!!!!

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