
12 Month old baby <span title="development........................................................?">development.................</span>

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Hi, my nephew turned 1 year old this month and he has just learned how to crawl and isn't very fast at it yet, he wont pull himself up to stand, he wont stand alone, he doesn't move his legs in a walking motion if you hold his hands, he hardly says anything, just mam and dad, i am quite worried and don't know how to bring it up with my sister, i have a son that is 5 months older than him and he runs everywhere and was doing everything from very young and never stops talking, so i know what is to be expected to some extent, i understand all babies are different but i thought by the time he was 1 year old he would be at least "cruising" the furniture?? I have hinted and said has he being going to his reviews and she said no, there's no reason to, i know he's fine. and that was that. Has anyone elses kids ever been like this and they turned out fine??....




  1. He sounds like he is behind.  I am worried when you say he has not been taken in for his appointments.  The doctor would be able to tell her if his development is too slow.  

    My daughter was slow to crawl and walk but I didn&#039;t push her.  I let her go at her own stride.  You really should talk to your sister about how important the doctors appt&#039;s are though.

  2. How often do you just let the child play on his own?

    Does he have his own play area where he can roam free?

    Walk/Crawl delays are usually caused by parents holding/carrying the child too much.... why learn something if someone is willing to do it for you?

    12 months the child should at least be crawling...

    Is the child really overweight? Fat babies are &#039;blobs&#039; for alot longer because they lack the muscles to develop because they can not support their own weight.

  3. It&#039;s so hard to know if a baby is &quot;fine&quot;, since they can&#039;t tell you. He is probably just lazy. What ever you do, don&#039;t compare him to your child. He is an individual with his own schedule, but he should be seeing the dr regularly for shots, if nothing else. The dr can detect developmental problems, both physical and mental, that could be corrected so much more readily now than later.

    My grandson, adopted from Russia at the age of 12 mo, had no use of one of his right leg. After evaluation and agonizing waiting, he was put in a brace and immediately got away from his mom and walked to the door. He&#039;s going thru all kinds of therapies provided by Easter Seals, which will provide services only until he&#039;s three, and doing great.

  4. my first daughter wasn&#039;t standing by twelve months, she was only crawling. she started standing from around 13-14 months and started walking around 15 months. she was held an awful lot and if she was playing we would hand her toys rather than let her go get them herself. on the other hand my second daughter is now twelve months old and she is walking. i think she&#039;s had the advantage of an older sister to show her what to do and she also had to get things for herself.

    i have a friend whose son didn&#039;t walk until eighteen months. kids all develop at different rates and i wouldn&#039;t think there is anything wrong with this child.

    however i never get complacent with reviews for either of my kids because if there was some problem i would want it to be picked up as soon as possible.

    i don&#039;t think you should be expecting too much speech from a one year old, just babbling really. my little one doesn&#039;t talk anyway, between 18 months and two years is when the real talking begins everything else is just practice.

  5. I would not worry.  I have seen children who do not walk until about 16 month of age. (on little girl starting walking 2 days before she turned 16 months old!)

    Some children, who are small, or large take long to learn how crawl or walk.

    As for talking. Let me tell you about my brother. He didn&#039;t talk. My mother worried herself sick about this. She took him to the doctor, who always report the same. &quot;he&#039;s fine.&quot;

    Then my brother turned 3, and with his third birthday came the words. Many words. So many words that he wouldn&#039;t shut up!

    he drove my mother insane! There were times she would wish for 5 minutes of without his mouth moving.

  6. I think your son may have been one of those who did everything early - and your nephew sounds a little late, however, he sounds like he still is within a normal range.

    One of my children walked at 11 months and another at 16 months - but four years later they both were capable of walking to Kindergarten!

    I had one child who started to read early (4 years old) and another who wasn&#039;t interested until the age of 8, but at 9 years old they were both reading at the same level.

  7. My daughter just turned a year old and JUST now started to crawl. She will walk when assisted and she JUST started that too. She has always played on the floor and we have done all the things that we did with our older daughter. My youngest has been a late bloomer...sitting up by herself took her longer as well. I worried as my other daughter did everything early - but my doctor reassured me...every child is different and will progress in their own time and as long as she remains in the range of development - she is fine. Your nephew is just takin his time and will catch up....not to worry and if you are still worried - talk to your sister about it...ask her if she has mentioned this to his doctor - she probably already did! :-)

  8. All children are different. My son (who is turning 3 in October) didn&#039;t walk until he was 17 mo, but he quickly caught up with his peers. His ped had suggested physical therapy, but we decided to change daycare centers to one where he would be around children who were walking. The one he was in at the time didn&#039;t allow a child to move to the next room until they were walking, which I didn&#039;t agree with at all. The whole reason we sent him to school was for him to interact with his peers, not younger kids. Anyway, within two weeks of changing centers, he was walking with very few falls, just like his buddies.

    Now, my son is VERY physical. My bro teaches him soccer moves and his dad has been taking him fishing on our boat since he was 18 months old.

    I think the best thing you can do is take YOUR son over to her house and let them play.

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