Hi, my nephew turned 1 year old this month and he has just learned how to crawl and isn't very fast at it yet, he wont pull himself up to stand, he wont stand alone, he doesn't move his legs in a walking motion if you hold his hands, he hardly says anything, just mam and dad, i am quite worried and don't know how to bring it up with my sister, i have a son that is 5 months older than him and he runs everywhere and was doing everything from very young and never stops talking, so i know what is to be expected to some extent, i understand all babies are different but i thought by the time he was 1 year old he would be at least "cruising" the furniture?? I have hinted and said has he being going to his reviews and she said no, there's no reason to, i know he's fine. and that was that. Has anyone elses kids ever been like this and they turned out fine??....