
12 Year Old Girl Wants Abs & 6 Pack?

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I want to get abs and I play alot of sports. Then I work out every night and eat healthy. I really want to get a six pack but I cant seem to get it what should I do?




  1. i donno

  2. alot of crunches and reverse chrunches

  3. girls only can get a 4 pack unless you stop eating then maybe you'll become skinny enough to see something but i dont recommend it.

  4. You're fine working out as long as you don't use weights. Body weight only.

    In order to have a six pack you have to have strong abs and very little fat. For strong abs, do crunches and planks. Planks you get in push up position, but instead holding yourself up with your elbows. Then you hold yourself stiff like you're doing a punch up and hold it. Your abs will be all that's supporting your body.

    As for not a lot of fat, cardio is the answer. Running and jogging will  burn any off, and don't eat a lot of junk foods.

    It's tough, I've been working on it myself. The burning fat off part is bugging me- I don't have a lot, but I've got just enough to cover it.

  5. I learned from my friend who is a health/fitness expert and also a personal trainer at my local gym that women can only develop visible muscles (guns, 6 pack, etc...)  if they take testosterone  

  6. best thing 2 do is eat healthy and keep exercising.

    just do situps and what not, you will get there eventually.

  7. everything your doing now. give it time and be patient. by the sounds of it, you should get that six pack in the next two years! if not, definetly sooner!  

  8. Uhhh...Not when you're 12...Wait till you're older and your body fully develops.  You can hurt yourself otherwise.

  9. Don't do it. Gross on girls.

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