
12 and 13 yr old smoking and drinking?

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my friends niece told me that her and her friend smoke. they are only 12 and 13! she said that when they went up north her friends mom let them smoke and drink. and they met this guy who is gunna let them do pot. how should i handle this?




  1. They are just too cool!

  2. just be you and wat ever you gonna be just be you forget wat they say...

  3. stay away from them befoe you become 1 of them

  4. avoid hanging out with them i know you preobably don't want to hear that but that is the best thing to do becasue if you continue to hang with them they will pressure you.

  5. Smoking pot isnt the end of the world, but smoking cigarettes and drinking is very dangerous. A sore bottom for about a week is recommended!



    eventhough im a boy, OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. tell their guardians, so they can be aware of the situation

  8. call the cops!!!!!!!!!!! i tried weed at age of 11 or 12... im telling u, do w/e u can in order 2 stop! it's just gonna grow grow and grow... i dont smoke anymore but they will like it so much, and will want 2 smoke more. so do anything to stop them.

    i hope i helped

  9. alert your friends niece's parents about it. They should know if there daughter is doing all that illegal stuff

  10. u are way to young to drink!! not only that but it is the 2 worst things that kids can do!! just stay away from all that stuff

    i would say something like that

  11. i think you should let ur friend kno or that girls mom if i found out my daughter was smokin nd drink at 13-14 i would beat her butt sumthin bad nd exspecially for goin to do drugs

  12. well two things first of all..this is NONE of ur business u r a friend family nt family if u say something u could cause a big up then i understand that u feel obligated to tell..tell ur friend if SHE will say someting..nt u

  13. Talk to their parents. At the most I smoked 2 packs in my entire life and it has been over 20 years and I still have trouble with my lungs and breathing and it all goes back to smoking only 2 packs ever.

  14. About the only thing you can do is talk to the parents and let them know what is going on.  It's their problem to take care of then.  You will have done your part.  I am proud of you for wanting to do something about this.

  15. Well, This not good at this age. Even at any age, but specially at this age. You can't do much about your friend. Maybe suggest her not to do it. But it is up to her. But the best thing is let her mom know bout  it.

  16. Let 'em do it. See if they like it. I smoked weed and cigarettes and i drank all when i was 13 and I'm fine now.

  17. Your friend's niece.   So, this is the child of the sister or brother of your friend or her husband -- somewhat removed from you.   You have no authority in this matter, and very limited influence.  The only influence you have is the degree to which the girl is influenced by your conversations with her.   It's not clear if you even have contact information for the child's parents.

    If you push hard, you might be able to get this information to the child's parents.    You might be able to make a report to the police in the area where the crime occurred, providing the name of the person who supplied alcohol and tobacco to minors, and the name of the minors who consumed the alcohol and tobacco.   However, this will address only that one incident.  You really have no significant influence or authority to affect the overall problem, which is that the 12 and 13 year old are engaging in risky behavior, so an important question that you might want to consider is whether your intervention in this one instance will have any overall positive effect.

    Another way to address this is to have a "talk" with the young lady regarding her risky behavior.  You might also mention that when a guy offers pot to a young lady, he often wants something in return, which leads to another "talk" about date rape and teen pregnancy.

    So, how involved do you want to become in this young lady's life?   It's a disturbing situation, and I hate to say it, but it happens all the time.  If the parent's aren't going to do anything to provide guidance to the child, you are probably going to be swimming upstream to try to help her at this point.  About the best you can realistically do is talk frankly to her about your concerns, and many people in your situation would simply choose to stay out of it, assessing their own chances of accomplishing anything productive to be very low.

  18. Pretend that you want to do it too and go with them and arrest the people responcible

  19. tell then to stop and if they dont stop dont hang with then

  20. You need to inform their parents, first of all.  If the parents don't intervene, you can contact the local authorities or CPS and let them handle it.  This is something you definitely need to speak up about!  Their 'blood' is now on YOUR hands, so to speak.  Don't sit back and say it's none of your business, because they could get into something far worse and YOU will have to live the rest of your life knowing you could've done something to prevent it and didn't.  

    I had a friend who smoked pot for the first was laced with embalming fluid (that stuff they pump into DEAD people!!)...he DIED.  He was under a house, he worked as a central air/heat contractor, he had a stroke and DIED right there!  Do something before it's too late!!

    If you can't get the parents to stop it, keep climbing the ladder until you find someone who WILL do something!  Give it your all!  You'd want someone to do the same for yours!

    God bless ya, Darlin'!

  21. Tell their mom right away. That guy could be a child molester, that is the method of operation. They get them high and the pounce. They are in danger, if you don't tell and something happens how are you going to feel.

  22. I am with the first answer you received "stay away from them".  God Bless.

  23. Well, the only thing you can do is tell someone's parents before they get caught and end up in jail.

  24. sound like they needs a good whooping to me

  25. If you really care about the kids, call CPS.

  26. bust the drug dealers

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