
12 biology questions who is going to help me with this?

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1. Describe the growth of stems in the dark. What happens to this growth when dark-grown plants are placed in the light?

2. How might the rapid growth, seen in seedlings grown in the dark, be beneficial to plants?

3. How do plants grow when light comes from one side only? Why might plants respond to light in this way?

"What time is it?" (Circadian Responses: bean leaf, oxalis leaf, velvet leaf)

4. Describe what happens to the leaves at night.

5. Describe what happens to the leaves during the day.

6. What controls the change in leaves from night to day?

"Good vibrations!" (Nastic Movements:Young Arabidopsis nutation, Older Arabidopsis nutation, Sunflower nutation)

7. What is meant by the term nutation?

8. How might nutation be beneficial to plants?

"This end up?" (Tropism: Arabidopsis shoot gravitropism, Corn root gravitropism, Coleus shoot gravitropism, Sunflower gravitropism)

9. What happens to the stems of plants placed on their sides?

10. What happens to the roots of plants placed on their sides?

11. What causes the stems and roots to respond in this fashion?

"Getting to the root of the problem!" (General Growth: root growth)

12. In which direction do roots grow? What are root hairs? What is their function?

Its summer time! help me out?




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