
12 days after my hgc trigger shot, 10 days after my IUI. Positive pregnancy test result...Could it be true???

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Hi girls. I'm new to this forum, but have been finding all ur comments really useful, thanks!

I was told to wait 14 days post IUI to do a pregnancy test, but of course the curiosity got the better of me! I read that if you waited 10 days after your hgc trigger shot (5000), then it should be out of your system for the test. So I waited 12 days post hgc, 10 days post IUI, & did the clearblue digital test & it came back positive. But I'm worried this is too good to be true! Could I really be pregnant or is it likely to be a false positive? I feel normal. Besides sore b***s, I'm not really having any symptoms. What do you think?




  1. I wouldn't trust the test yet.  Definitely wait a few more days and take another one.  I've had 5 HCG shots and have resisted the urge to take a test early every time for fear of a false positive.  It could be for real, but I would wait and do another.  Good luck!

  2. I would wait until 14 dpiui if that is when you were told to test. The positive you got could very well be true, just test again at 14dpiui and you will know for sure then.

    Good Luck and babydust!!

  3. It could be true. It does seem really good for you.  However, everyone clears the drug at different rates from their body.

    I have taken a 10,000 hgc shot; at day 10 past the shot it showed a positive pregnancy and at 12 days past the shot it came up negative.    

    Take another test in 2 days.  If it is positive, then I would say you are pregnant.  Good luck!! I wish you the best.  

    Oh- and don't worry about the symptoms.  Real pregnancy symptoms don't start until after 4 weeks pregnant and most people do not start feeling them until 6 weeks pregnant or later.  

  4. well i'm no expert at a 5000iu trigger shot but i am on a 1000iu shot

    just had 1st iui (failed)

    i waited 4 days after a hcg shot to test and it was completely out of my system by then (blood test confirmed it) i have heard that 1000iu elminates from your body daily depending on your body though

    so i would say that positive is definently a positve (congrats) i do have to say hpt's are evil when you have had a trigger shot, so only thing that will guarantee it is a blood test, but i bet that comes out with a BFP!!!!!!!

    glad to hear a success story with iui

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