
12 foot aluminum boat trailer liscense plate?

by Guest63373  |  earlier

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I recently bought a trailer for my boat. The guy gave me the plate with the trailer. It has no tags and is not registered. Do I need to go to secretary of state and what do I need to get done for the trailer?




  1. You say the trailer has no tags, but the guy gave you the plates? I worked at the Texas Dept. of Transportation for a while, although most states do have different rules, this is what I can tell you...

    First you need to go to the county tax office in your county. The plate? what state is it? If its the same state as yours and the trailer does not exceed 4001lbs, you should not have any trouble. Just go in and tell them that it is a home made trailer and you want to register it.

    Hope this helps...

  2. go to the mv with a bill of sail that should be enough

  3. When you say plate, are you talking about a Temp Tag.  ????  The DMV will issue you the title and new tags.  They'll want a bill of sale and a mfg. cert of origin....that is unless the guy built it himself, that's another story.  Good luck!!

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