
12 girl wets her pants?

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At my barn there is this girl, she is twelve and she pees her pants and its really gross. We dont wanna say anything cause we dont wanna be mean or anything. The thing is whenever she wets her pants i dont think she knows cause she just keeps on going about with whatever shes doing. We tell her brother and he dosnt care and we have told the woman who owns the barn and she dosnt know what to do. We could just leave her but she wets her pants and sits everywhere and evens rides the horses bareback and its discusting!!! (I-Cant-Spell)




  1. Next time this happens, politely go up to her and ask her if she is okay. Maybe offer her a change of clothes. It does seem like she may have some kind of disability if she wets all the time and doesn't realize it. Can you tell her parents? maybe they can talk to her. For now, bring plastic bags to sit on so you dont have to sit in pee.

  2. I'm guessing it's some type of health related problem.

    Try to be nice about it to her if you tell her :)

    Either it is a health problem and she really doesn't notice or she does and she doesn't say anything because she doesn't want to do anything to make people notice?

    I'm not sure.

    Good luck :)

  3. JUST TELL HER! you are going to have to!

  4. She lives in a barn? or you live in a barn? Either way maybe she was never raised to use the toilet than.

  5. my friend did this,all through primary school she'd pee her pants,it wasnt till she was older, she realised something must be wrong. This had gone on unnoticed by her dad,and ignored by her mum,who just thought she peed!!!!

    Turned out she had 3 kidneys!!! quick op cured her!!!

    It took awhile though for her to be brave enough to tell dad,so my mum suggested she wore sanetry towls,like women wear, can u talk to he,does she want your help??

    Maybe buy some and offer them to her!!!

    hope this helps

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