
12 hour car ride! What's things I can do/bring to make it not so boring?

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I'm going with my friend's family on vacation. What would be some things we could bring or do while driving?

We are bringing a portable DVD player, magazines, cards, and we are planning on sleeping, but what are some other things just in case??




  1. Wow.

    Ok so when I went on a car ride with my family we went from New Jersey to Florida. Long right? YEPP.

    So here's what I brought and did.


    -Sidekick (iMing & Text messaging my friends)

    -I brought my laptop (play the Sims)

    -Extra batteries for my laptop

    -Video camera (My sister and I made cool funny videos on the rode)


    -Nintendo DS (guitar hero on tour.)

    -a notebook and a pencil for doodling

    -a lot of pillows for sleeping

    -a lot of movies

    -stuffed toys

    -Digital Camera

    We went to Disney World. It was awesome. But the time and wait to travel there was horrible. Sitting in a car for that long makes your butt hurt. Haha. So yeah, that's what I had. I  slept most of the time. Lol.

  2. -Count how many different license plates you can find on the road there

    -Play games such as

          -Ghost (you take turns saying a letter to try to form a word and when a person can't add another letter, they get a G for ghost and a strike. The person who gets 5 strikes and gets all 5 letters of ghost loses)

            -Interview (one person pretends to be a certain person and has to imitate and answer as their person as other people in the car interview them. Then they have to guess who the person is)

             -Movie game (one person closes their eyes and ears as the other people in the car think of the name of a movie. The person with ears closed then has to guess the name of the movie by asking the other people random questions. The people answering have to answer using ONE word from the title of the movie. For example, if the title is "Day After Tomorrow" the person guessing could ask "What is your favorite hobby?" and the person could answer with "Well, I love skating during the DAY, but in the night I love swimming" The cycle continues until the person guesses the title.

         -20 Questions (self-explanatory)

           -Concentration (Make a topic and players take turns saying things that belong to the topic. If someone pauses, they're out)

            -Letter game (Go through the alphabet saying the following thing "Amy and Adam live in Alabama and sell apples" but in each letter of the alphabet)

    Other things to do:

    -Try to catch attention of other people in cars

    -Listen to music

    -blow bubbles

    -ask your parents to trivia you

    Hope this helps! I was just stuck in a long car ride the other day so I've pretty much done it all :)


  3. Notebook(maybe take some notes on what you see)





    Toy(how old are you?)

    Anything that will keep you awake!

  4. Sounds like your set already ... don't try and plan too much, because that will kind of ruin it.  Just go with the flow.

  5. cd`s (ipods) things that you guyz enjoy...don't bring much it will take up room and you prob wont even use half the stuff you bring anyway...........


  6. mp3 player, books, Nintendo Ds, Psp, gameboy (if you have any of those)  

  7. music, nap, hand held games.  

  8. it sounds like you have everything.  I just went on a LONG car ride and I used my DVD player, that kept me really busy.

  9. iPod/mp3 player.

    with backup battery source....

    (car charger, or electricicty converter)

    just, music in general.

    some DVD players can play CD's also.

  10. Okay, I used to go on these kind of trips loads of times with my family.What I used to take was a big comfy quilt and a pillow so that you guys can snuggle up and enjoy,I used to take my Gameboy and PSP and I used to play,I am a girl by the way.:).That used to be fun.I used to talk to my sis about loads of stuff and we used to have so many snacks to eat,hehe.So what I am saying is,take the following:

    a)a quilt

    b)a pillow

    c)a PSP(Trust me,you will be interested!)

    d)some interesting music CDs to sing along with

    e)some scary movie DVDs to watch on your portable DVD Player

    f)some gossip about school

        What you can do is get some makeup and hairstuff and try it on with you friend.

    Hope you enjoy!!

    Have a safe journey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. bring enough dvds and the charger. bring alllotta magazines. bring cards. bring ipod and get one of those things that plug the ipod into the car so it can charge (u can also play ur music in the car instead of headphones). bring a pillow, it can get uncomfortable in a 12 hour car ride. bring ur laptop so u can watch one more movie if u need to. bring a book (if u dont get carsick)

  12. try masterbating under a blanket i always do

  13. Okay well my family drives straight to Florida it takes,

    22 hours.

    Soo I take:


    Cell Phone


    DVD's & DVD Player


    Maybe some colouring kinda stuff, like print out pictures from the internet.


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