My 12 month old daughter will not sleep unless she is breastfed to sleep! iam pregnant again.11 weeks gone &exhausted. trying to wean baby of breastmilk but i cannot handle the sleepless nights as iam soo tired from being pregnant.i didnt plan being pregnant, if i wernt i would of continued breastfeeding.anyway i breastfeed her in our bed in the dark,she falls asleep in the bed.i cnt pick her up to take her to her cot because she cries straight away. she's very sensitive& seems as though shes always in a very light sleep. I sleep half on and half off my bed, i wake up with aching bones and bruises from were ive layed on the edge of the bed. She used to sleep in her cot and was perfect but since about 9 months shes become so clingy. She literally feeds with one eye half open, and if she finishes feeding and i move to get up. she bursts into tears.I have to watch her on her monitor super carefully to make sure she doesnt roll. also after she's fell asleep she wakes up around 4 times sometimes more a night! i dont know what to do! should i just always make her a bottle instead? should i not breastfeed her to get her to sleep? how do i break this routine without me getting to upset,stressed, & exhausted. Thanks for any help!!