
12 month old and new sibling...?

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thank you guys..this helps a lot..and def helps with putting my mind at ease!




  1. Firstly..Congratulations!  Secondly, my daughter was 13 months old when I gave birth to my son.  I knew I was having a little boy so I had bought my daughter a male 'new born baby doll'.  She had all the little nic'naks' that come along with babies. a little stroller, bathtub, nappies the lot!  She would be Mummas lil helper all the time!  

    I think the thing that helped me was I asked all visitors to spend time with HER first when coming to see my new son.  They all did this and some even brought her 'big sister' gifts too.  I tried to get her to help me out all the time, if I was feeding baby she fed her baby, if I was bathing baby she would bath her baby!  I would get her to do 'special' little jobs for me, usually putting powder on or rubbing cream on his tummy.  

    I would also try to spend time with her as soon as my son was asleep.  Even when I was really tired we would read a book or paint.  It really is a juggling job having two so close together but worth every second!!

    They are now 14 and 13 yrs old and are still very close, don't get me wrong they do bicker at times but always stick together!

    Sending you all of my very best wishes xx

    ** I just remembered how fasinated she was with babies eyes!  I had to make sure she didn't poke them ...I think she was just amazed that unlike her own baby, the new babys actually worked just like her own and she would try to stroke his eyelashes.....just a bit of a heads up lol!

  2. My sister and I are just less than a year apart, so when my mother was pregnant she faced the same problem. I used to do the exact same thing (Rub and kiss my mom's belly). To teach me what a baby was my mom bought me a baby cabbage patch doll. Through the doll, I learned how to treat the baby that was coming. Cute story: My mom has a video of me playing with the doll where she asks me what I'm going to do to the baby when it comes... and I kiss it! It might be a good idea for you too.

  3. The wanting to only be with mommy may be partially because you are pregnant. She sences it and wants to be near it. It is very hard when the ages are that close to explain things, but I think you are handleing it very well. Once the new one is born it will be easier to explain things, and you just have to let her know shes loved, give her special time. Get her involved. Have her help with little things, She a big sister..just keep telling her that. Tho still a baby herself it helps them to cope better. Let her cover him up, and give him toys. and Sing to him.

    Congrats btw...sounds like you have a lovely little family.

  4. Going through the same my little boy is 2 and a half and i am only 4 weeks pregnant befor i even knew he was latching onto me and even when i would step out the room for apee he would be screamingi want mummy... they can sense it its weird that she prob knows that  soon your attention will have to be divided... Get her to help with sorting the room out or silly little things  she will be ok when she can see her little brother... she prob is just wondering what is going on inside of you to make you so big ... Good Luck xx

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