
12 tortured bodys in mexico?

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this is a country we should have open borders with?




  1. Too many horrible stories are coming out of Mexico lately, too many hidden secrets, too many lies..That's one place I do not  want to visit, that's for sure.  Maybe if more people bigotted Mexico as a Vacation destination, we would get some answers.

  2. there's bad stuff EVERYWHERE! not just in mexico.


  3. dude horrible stuff happens even in the US too so dont be saying that mexico is a horrible country cuz is not. there are sick people everywhere in the world

    OR DID YOU NOT READ about the story back in 2001 of the AMERICAN WOMAN that decided that the best way to take care of her children was to send them to heaven by drawning them all in a tub. O AND YOU WANNA HEAR THE TWIST OF THE STORY they didnt kill her like they should have. oo nooo they didnt they let her go free because she managed to plead insanity.

    but back to the border question. every country must have the right to control its borders and regulate imigration.

  4. yeah.

    stuff happens every where!

    americans just use mexicans & mexico so that they have a scape goat to blame when the real problem is their own stupid president

  5. i dont want america turning out like that we are already bad as it is!

  6. What people fail to realize is that a lot of the drug-related violence in drug-producing and drug-transit countries like Mexico is due to the large, relatively affluent market for illegal drugs in the U.S.

    It takes 2 to keep the drug business going, ruthless individuals and organizations to produce, organize and transport the drugs, a large drug-addicted market with excess money to burn to buy the drugs at high premiums to support a habit.

    Don't forget that!!!

    Both parties are equally to blame, the drug market couldn't exist without either. Unfortunately, much of the developed world (the largest market by far of illicit drugs because of the availability of disposable income) has an annoying habit of blaming everyone else but themselves.

    You see it all over the world: Cocaine from South America heading towards the US; Poppy (opium, heroin) grown in central Asia heading towards Europe; Blood diamonds mined in conflict zones in Africa heading towards the large diamond suppliers in Europe and North America and ultimately to the ring fingers of women in the developed world.

  7. that is what happens when people buy drugs and use illegal workers

  8. This was a turf war between rival gangs, for the rights to sell drugs to the Norte Americanos who are their biggest clients. You can't close the borders. How will you get your fix?

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