
12 week scan. heart beat?

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I went for my 12 week scan today and It was absolutely amazing. i was over the moon The first scan the heart rate was 164 and this time is was 150 is that normal for it to slow down?

he/she is growing so quick and it was so amazing, i have waiting 4 weeks at a time to see my baby. it was bouncing around and I got all teary over it.




  1. Awww, that made me all tearful just reading it! The first scan is fantastic, isn't it? I was in complete awe looking at the screen, it all seemed suddenly so much more real, and to actually see the little baby that was inside me... words couldn't describe it.

    You still have the 20 week scan to look forward to, which is even better because the baby is bigger, and they point things out in more detail.


  2. congrats! its pretty normal.

    good luck to u...answer mine;...

  3. 150 is a normal heartbeat, nothing to worry about. Congrats!!

  4. Yes it's normal for the heartbeat to bounce up and down like that.  

  5. It's all perfectly normal- we had a heartbeat of 172 at 8 weeks, then 153 at 13 weeks, then 141 at 19 weeks. I was a bit concerned so I did some research and asked the doctor- the baby's heartbeat definitely slows down a little from that early racing stage. By the way, that old wives' tale says that a heartbeat over 140 means it's a girl- it might not be true in every case, but it was for me, so you never know...

    Congratulations- even thinking about those early scans still makes me all teary, too. Just wait until you can feel the baby squirming around and kicking- it's awesome :)  

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