
12 week scan later today, finding out the gender?

by Guest21282  |  earlier

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I am having the 12 week scan later today and I am 12 weeks 6 days, so almost 13 weeks. I know the doctor's and my primary concern is the health of the baby and determining what my risks are for specific birth defects. However I also know that it is possible (not extremely like, but possible) for them to see the gender. For anyone whose doctor or u/s tech tried to see the gender, did you ask them to look or did they just offer?




  1. I was 17 weeks when i found out i was having a girl, there is a really low chance that they with be able to see the s*x but if they told you this early then they are probably going to be wrong, its way to early! good luck

  2. when i was 15 weeks and was at a normal check-up and he was checking  on the baby's growth she moved her legs the right way and he looked for about 5 minutes for me and we found out we were 75% sure we were having a girl and at 19 weeks he confirmed!!!

  3. I was not able to see the gender until 20 weeks.  Usually the baby isn't developed enough to tell at 12 weeks for sure what s*x it will be.  

  4. They can't tell you the gender of the baby at 12 weeks.

  5. unlikely that they will be able to determine the gender until at least 16 weeks im afraid. the 12 week scan is usually only a quickie to date the pregnancy. The anomaly scan is the one wher you get top to toe checks and that is doen around 18-23 weeks. (UK)

    I had my anomaly scan on tues and Im 23 weeks. I did say as soon as i went in that I wanted to know what s*x baby was. (they think its a girl)

  6. Most doctors won't even start looking until 18 weeks because any earlier and all the parts aren't fully developed yet and you really just cannot tell. You only have a few more weeks to wait! Good luck!

  7. not yet.

  8. it is SOMETIMES possible to tell the gender at 12 weeks but that is the absolute earliest.  it all depends on the talent of the ultrasound technician.  my mom's best friend is an ultrasound tech and she has said that sometimes it is possible to tell if the baby is in just the right position.

  9. It's not very possible at all. The gender is just starting to differentiate now so boys and girls can virtually look the same. Even if you ask they'll probably tell you they cannot tell yet.

  10. They should just tell you if you want to know.  But it doesn't hurt to ask if they can tell yet.  I think it is a bit early.  The earliest my doctor would tell me is 18 weeks.

  11. Well, one of my cousins found out at 11 weeks and one found out at 12 weeks. However, they couldn't tell when I had mine done at 12 weeks & 5 days. So, I'm going monday to find out for sure and I'll be 21 weeks!

  12. at 17 wks they told me the baby was still small but she looked to see if she could determine and she said its a girl and then at 21 wks she confirmed that it is a girl.

  13. Nope not yet! Doctors usually wont until 18-20 weeks.  

  14. The earlist that I have heard would be 16 weeks, but usually OB's and Ultrasound technicians check for gender around 20 weeks to be more positive. Good luck to you!

  15. They will not be able to tell the gender, it is to early. You have to wait until you are around 18 weeks.

  16. Depends... if they're doing it because of a scare etc they won't even try to look for gender (EX When I went to the hospital and was 21 weeks (we didn't know the gender yet) they did an ultrasound to make sure baby was okay... we asked to know the gender and they said that was not their concern at the moment), 5 hours later we were holding our little girl if only for a short while) so it will depend but 12 weeks is kinda early to know the gender.

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