
12 weeks pregnant HORRIBLE toothache =(?

by Guest33280  |  earlier

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I'm 12 1/2 weeks pregnant. I bit down real hard on my tooth while eating 2nights ago and since have been having the most horrible toothache AND headache everytime tooth hurts. I have taken tylenol which doesnt do much justice at all. I have been taking a tablespoon of rum and holding it where the aching tooth is and it numbs the pain for a good while but everytime pain comes back i do it again because it is the only thing that helps. i dont swallow the stuff though, spit it after. Is this safe for me? my next appt isnt until the 10th.




  1. instead of using rum, use Clove Oil you can get it from the pharamist.

    clove oil dabbed on the sore tooth will numb it and get you through until you can get to the dentist.

  2. I would go see your doctor or dentist who could prescribe you some pain medication and get tooth fixed.

  3. Go to the dentist, even though your pregnant, they can help you. They actually removed my wisdom teeth for me during my 2nd trimester, and everything has been just fine sense.

  4. You shouldn't use alcohol for anything when you're's just not safe. You might try calling your dr or dentist to ask if it's safe to use orajel or something like it.

  5. try to see if you can get an emergancy appointment and i wouldnt know if thats safe but i have used t3 in all my pregnancy and the doc says its completely safe so id see if you can get some of that until ur appointment also try teething gel worked for me with my bad toothach and it is safe

  6. First of all - No the rum isn't hurting you as long as your spitting it out.  I don't care what anyone says.  I bet you its healthier for you and baby then taking pain medication.

    Also, It is completely safe to see a dentist while pregnant.  I just had a cavity filled and a cleaning within the last couple weeks and Im 12 wks also.  My doctor says he has no worries.  Dentist recommends to be seen while pregnant b/c gums can become sensitive while pregnant.  

  7. a little rum wont hurt baby, i dont know why people freak out about alcohol during pregnancy (i think its pure ignorance) yes, you shouldnt get drunk during pregnancy. one drink or less A DAY will not affect baby, it may even make him/her smarter! stressing out about a tiny bit of rum in your mouth and spitting it out will harm baby much more than takin a shot of it! america is so stupid, this is the only country that speaks of this nonsense.

  8. You really shouldn't be putting rum in your mouth while you're pregnant!  What you need to do is call your Dr. and see if s/he will let you see a dentist (most will, it is perfectly safe to have an exam, xray, and even most dental procedures done during pregnancy), and then get into the dentist.

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