I posted a question about my daughter's $10 being taken by her Spanish Teacher.
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AsWdLlRgaQ94CVLzGPoI0.rsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080209125443AAFafIx (Being busy with a lot of things I did not have time to pick a best answer which is why voters had to pick.)
I talked with the Spanish teacher and she did indeed take the $10, so my 12 year old was telling the truth. I went to the princapal and she, the Spanish teacher, my daughter, my daughter's guidance counsler and I sat down and talked about the issue. The princapal said the Spanish teacher should have never taken the money since it was my daughter's and I was already going to pay. The guidance counsler agreed. The teacher said she'd get back the $10 to my daughter and I gave her the $5 for the cost of the workbook.
Well two days after the confrence, my daughter was scheduled to have the teacher again, that's when she was supposed to recieve the $10. I got a call from the teacher. She (c)