
12 year old with 18?

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dude my sister is 12 she lied to are parents and said he was like 14 urr something but anyway how do i tell her she shouldent do this with out her hateing me or our parents getting involved i mean i wont get in trouble i dont live with them anymore but i dont want her to




  1. at first she should be more smarter than usually 12 olds. but make her understand that u wish her only good things. older guys just using youngers when girls at their age doent respond them,but she might say-no his very different and just perfect, loves me.......whatever.  in every relationship girls and women get hurts more. cause what guys will loose of s*x and feelings?nothing they will only gain things.even he loved girl but thats will end faster than girls feeling. so she probably soon will see how older's bad. and u dont have to tell again and again, just tell once.

  2. This is horrible.  You really do need to tell your parents asap.  If this were my daughter I would want to know asap. An 18 year old is way more experienced than a 12 year old.  Besides he needs to be hanging with someone his own age.

  3. Tell her if she doesn't tell your parents today you will and tell her why this is wrong, you are her brother, she may listen to you more then your parents...tell her you love and care about her and why this relationship will lead to trouble and if she is afraid to tell your parents, try being by her side when she tells them.

    You are an awesome brother...

  4. At this point i wouldnt care if she was mad at you. a 12 year dating an 18 year is not only wrong but illegal

    tell your parents asap. your sister might be mad a you for a little while but will get over it after a while.

  5. do what you think is best for her....tell your parents. she will probably just end up pregnant.

  6. The 18 yr old is a sexual predator.  

    Would you rather your sister be mad at you or dead.

    Its not a choice.  You MUST tell your parents immediately.

  7. You're joking, right?

    An 18 year old is an adult.  An adult can do adult things.

    A 12 year old is a kid.  A kid can't do adult things.

    Explain that to her.

    Maybe your sister thinks she's dating the 18 year old and really isn't.

  8. Get your parents ivolved,  she'll probably be upset with you,  but she's 12..  its the best thing you could do.

  9. she is 12 and dating?  OMG, that is so upsetting to hear.  What is going on in this world.  Please tell you parents ASAP. This is very sad.

  10. I think you should get your parents involved...not only is that a pretty big difference (and yes I know 20 years from now 6 years won't matter) but as for her she is just too young.  I know how you feel (maybe not to the same extreme) cause my little sister is dating someone quite a bit older then her but she is also older than 12.

    Before you tell your parents, have a long talk with her and tell her you care and why your concerned.  Determine what you should do by how she responds..negatively or positively but you should definitely keep an eye out.

    Good luck.

  11. you dont want her to what? and if your parents saw an 18 year old boy and believed your sister  because she said he was 14, they have problems too.  If she's 12 you need to speak up who cares what she thinks this will help her in the long run

  12. This 18 year old is setting himself up for a MAJOR law suit if 'anything' EVER happens.  Explain that to your sister and then let your parents know what is going on so they can protect her.  Forget about who gets mad.

    This is WAY beyond just 'somebody getting mad'.

  13. omgg thats bad bad bad ! im 13 and i would never do it ! it doesnt matter, tell your parents! your not helping your sister at all if you don't tell them, in the end she will end up getting hurt badly and 12 and 18 is way to big of a difference

  14. 12 year olds r not to young to date but they need to find some1 there age

  15. Tell your parents on her.  She is going to end up pregnant.   Her getting pregnant will be a lot more trouble than you tipping your parents off about what is going on.

  16. wat i didnt understand the question

  17. The question is kind of confusing, but I think that 12 and 18 are too much of an age difference

  18. so, she will get hurt and ewwwww...thats just to big of an age diffrence. she shouldnt be dateing til lyk 16...tell ur parents

  19. he's a pedophile!

  20. you NEED to tell your parents whether she gets mad orn ot she will thank you later trust me.that man is a pedophile and it needs to be stopped they are in two totally different stages of life please please tell just tell your parents not to tell your the one who told. be a good sister ok

  21. Ehh I Couldint Understood GOOD..But..When I Was 12 I Falled For An 18 Years Old Guy In Our School Onlii Prop He Was Flirting With Me Then It Turned Just A Joke Hiiis Doing To See How Many Girlss Well Fall For Him Annyywayyzz I mean Its Dengeras Why An 12  Years ARE DATEING!! Ittss TOOO lil Too Date

  22. 12 is too young to be dating, period.

  23. Who care what she thinks, tell them!

  24. She may hate you now, but she will hate you for protecting her.  She may not listen to you if you tell her she shouldn't be doing this.  The 18 year old is probably doing a good job of convincing her how wrong everyone else is and how she can't live without him.  He is probably also telling her that she would be the one in trouble if anyone found out.  Legally, he would be the one in trouble, whether she agrees to it or not. Hopefully she will realize this when she is older.  For now, she needs to be protected because it is against the law for an 18 year old to date a 12 year old.  Or even a 14 year old in some states.  If your parents don't get involved, then if there is a question of negligence on their part, and they might also get in trouble for not knowing.  Especially in the case of a 12 year old.  You can also make a confidential phone call to child protective services in your state.

    Also, to the person who said he would be facing a major lawsuit: this can be considered a crime, not a lawsuit. That is much worse for him.  Unfortunately, most babies born to teen moms have fathers that are much older than the moms.

  25. Just say it it what you think. I mean thats wrong. Its like a 17 year old going out with a 60 year old.

  26. whoa! i don't know how old you are...but don't let this happen to sis...she hasn't even had time to grow herself yet..tell your mom what's going!

  27. This is very serious.  I have no idea what state this is happening in, but in most, if not all, that amount of age difference is a felony level crime.  States vary very much in the laws around child sexual abuse.  Depending on the state,  if your parents know the person, and continue to allow the relationship, it is possible they (her parents) can be held criminally liable if there was any sexual contact between the 12 year old and the 18 year old.  Your sister is not in control of this situation.  She is being victimized.  She is not capable of legally consenting to someone that much older, regardless of how much she "loves" him and what she has to say.  Tell your PARENTS immediately so they can take whatever steps necessary to protect your sister and possibly themselves.  Let your parents talk with your sister.  If they do nothing, call child protective services.  This is understandably hard but necessary.  Someday, your sister will understand and thank you.

  28. What the h***s wrong with the 18 years old wanting to date a 12 year old.  Thats kind of sick.

  29. Protect your sister from this 18yr old!!!!!

  30. its nothing shes doing, its what hes doing...molesting a child, a felony in all states. You are abetting this if you have knowledge and dont report.

  31. tell her that u dont know what this man could do to her and she doesent want to know
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