
12 year old with adhd?

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how can i clam down my adhd boy today he being very hyper after drinkin soda




  1. dont give him fizzy drinks only water or fruit juice. you should look at the ingredients in some of these drinks

  2. Thats sucks. I have ADHD.. and its hard to chill or keep your mind on one thing at a time.. much less if I have had soda.

    Go outside with him and play a game... let him run i all out. The more he plays the more tired he'll get. Try keeping the sodas out of the house... and let him drink water and juice instead.

  3. take away soda!

    or cut back.


    don't put him a meds. I'm telling you from experience, all they do is make things worse and your on them for life!

  4. lock the soda cabniet or where ever it is! and let him go lapy outside for HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Meds. Talk to the boy's doctor and see what he/she can do.

  6. I think you answered the question yourself.  Take away soda.  Only give your child water.  That is all he needs to drink.

    Restrict his diet.  don't give him dairy, gluten, artificial ingredients, and sugar.

    You should see an improvement.

  7. Stop buying soda.

  8. Why give him soda? You are gonna just have to let him run his course...

  9. Taking a bath can calm any1 down...

  10. Do NOT let him near anything caffeinated. Ever. If you have a perscription for him that is daily, have him always take it in the morning either before breakfast, before a shower, before whatever he does in the morning.

    My little brother has an extremely bad case of adhd. make sure he is either on ritalin, stratera, or concerta. they are all basically the same things, just some have bigger doses. also, if you dont want him to take drugs, then you should probably find something where he can output all of his energy, like a sport or something.

    the only time people with adhd are ever naturally calm is when they are asleep, so beware. if you are really desperate, find some way for him to go to sleep.

  11. If he has ADHD Caffeine should calm him down. It is all in his head.

    Get him on medicine and the problem will be solved. Adderall works great.

  12. I, honestly,think ADHD is used as an excuse. He needs discipline like taking away a privlage, ect. I really don't think soda has anything to do with it. Soda or no soda, he acts up and no friends over for two weeks. Just my opinion. and lol@ the person above.

  13. adderal made my p*****n depressed and lack of appetite. If meds are prescribed, keep very good track of changes in behavior, loss of interest in normally enjoyed activities, change in eating or sleeping habits. Try researching foods to avoid and behavior modification techniques.

  14. My ten year old brother has adhd, we talked to his doctor about what we could do, he recommended Vyvanse (adderall for kids), which he takes every single morning to help him focus. Vyvanse has majorly helped him keep focused and helped his behavioral problems. Also we put him on a diet which is very strict and instantly made a difference. He also takes Chromium Piclonate and it helps. The diet was no sugar, wheat (gluten free is okay), or dairy, and you can find foods that fit in that category at organic health food stores like Wild Oats and Whole Foods. This diet does make eating at restaurants difficult though. I know my suggestions sound severe and harsh but it has worked wonders for my little brother.

    I hope I helped

  15. My 12 year old brother has ADHD and we dont give him very much sweets.  He is allowed candy once in awhile.  Also you might wnat to get him on medication, because he is in school.

  16. Why does everyone whose child has adhd need to add that on a question? It drives me crazy!
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