
1200 calorie diet plan?

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I'm 15 : 5'2 and weigh 124lb. Is it safe to do this 1200 calorie diet plan? I also do light cardio exercising ; 12 mins of runnin/ 10 mins of jogging , 60-120 mins before eating. I also did a BMI & BMR. My BMI is a 20 something and my BMR is around 1400 cal intake. So if I want to lose about 20lbs by just doing the 1200 cal. diet thing will it be okay and safe? I read a couple other 1200 cal diet plan and some people say its okay and some say its not. But then again I'm just doing approx. 200 cal. less then my BMR.

So what do you guys think??

Thanks in advance for any advice..




  1. gimme a break!! your 124!!! Thats pretty skinny if you ask me. and your only 15 why are you soooo worried? are your friends skinnier than you? Do people call you FAT? if not than don't worry I'm sure you look fine  

  2. no it's not safe. i would do a 1800 calorie plan instead of 1200


    this will tell you whats too much and to little.

  4. I do not believe that this diet is healthy at all. You need to get the appropriate nutrition for your growing body. Before embarking on any kind of radical diet like this you should consult your physician.

    Seriously, this is a really low calorie diet for such a young and already thin girl. I think that 1800 calories is low enough, but again, you need to talk to your doctor.

    If you want to lose some weight you are going to have to be patient. Those last few "vanity" pounds are really hard to take off, and it isn't safe for a girl your size to lose more than 1-2 pounds a week. Eat healthy, lots of veggies, and cut out sugar, sodas, fast foods, fried foods, etc. and exercise regularly and you will lose the weight slowly and safely over time.

    Good Luck!

  5. Well...with all the activities, I say up the calories. But..thats just me.

  6. Man you think too much!

    An article written for your age is below.  Do not worry, it is not a sales pitch to buy anything.

  7. dont do it.. you have 'the perfect body'..just continue eating all healthy..

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