
125 gallon stocking list?

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I have a 125 gallon that I will be making a planted tank over the course of a few months when I get the funds.

I will be using 96 x 4 PC lighting to grow plants, and a paintball pressurized co2 system. Will be growing all types of plants, from low light to high. I like creating possible stocklists so tell me what you think!

8 Bolivian Rams

30 Neon Tetras

30 Rhasbora

15 cory cats

8 clown loaches

a few guppies

can I add more? any suggestions for fish?




  1. Here is what I would do:

    8 Bolivian Rams

    50 Neon Tetras

    20 Harlequin Rasboras

    10 Bronze Corys

    6 Clown Loaches

    3 Male Guppies

  2. some mickey mouse platys. they will brighten up your tank. some mollies are nice too

  3. The clown loaches are the only odd ones that stand out.

    All the other fish are small community species that are 1-3" long full grown. The Clowns could grow to 10" or more eventually.

    I would swap them for a group of smaller loaches like zebra or kuhli, more matched size wise with your other fish.

    You could also add a couple of small plecos like Bristlenose or a group of Oto catfish. They can help with algae control but wont bust up your plants like a big pleco would.

    Other than that you list sounds good. I would go with that, get the tank established and running and see how it looks. You can allways add a few more fish later once you are sure the tank is running smoothly.

    Good luck


  4. It sounds like you're going to have a beautiful tank. I'm envious!

  5. Nix the Loaches and go with a couple of more schooling fish.

    When the Loaches get bigger, some of your smaller fish...Neons per say cold be gobbled up.

    If you get rid of the Neons and go with fish that are a bit bigger...per say, 1 Gourami, and a few Tiger Barbs it would be a bit fuller.  And keep the Clown Loaches.

    If you keep the Neons, go with a Dwarf Gourami and some other schools of Tetra, like the Redeyes, Black Skirts, or even the Rummy Nose.

    Either way, sounds like you have a well thought out plan.

    Also, Hatchets, and Danios are great for the top, but in my experience I have learned Rams dont like extrememly active tanks.  So I would keep what ya have suggested plus one or the other on the Clowns or Neons.

    Best of Luck!

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