
12mos vaccinations - hib / men c. what can i expect?

by  |  earlier

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my girl has her jags today. im dreading it. she was fussy after her first 8week jags, 12 and 16 weeks werent too bad.

are the 12mos ones worse, or just the same as previous ones.




  1. i was told it would be the same as the last injections keep some calpol handy for the temp and prepare for them to be a bit misrable. my son has his next week. good luck

  2. Please don't vaccinate your children :(

  3. If your daughter is having the MMR jab then I spoke to the doctor about this at my daughters last appointment (she has hers next month) and he said that this jab can cause them to become a bit poorly about 7-10 days after the jab - have a bit of a temperature and cold-like symptoms but that it clears up quickly.  I hate taking her for jabs, I know it's doing the best for her, but seeing her little face cry in pain is horrible :o(  Hope it goes okay for your girl.

  4. They are just the same as the previous ones. My son never had any problems with the earlier vaccines, and these ones were just the same. No probs at all. I also have a lot of friends with babies and none of them had a problem with them.

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