
12yr old son with allergies?

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My son has bad indoor/outdoor allergies...We have taken him to a couple doctors and they both have perscribed him differant types of allergy medications yet none truely work for him...we have also given him all the over the counter meds as well...Does anyone know of any natural things to try to give him that may help?...Serious answers only Please.




  1. I very rarely get allergies, but when I do, I feel miserable. I find that one of the things that helps most, especially at night, is a humidifier. You can get these at the drugstore, and they're incredibly helpful when your nose is stuffed up and you can't breath.

    Another thing I commonly hear, though I've never tried it myself, is that eating a spoonful of bee pollen from local plants can help to suppress allergies. It alters your immune response, I guess.

    My dad suffers from allergies almost constantly, and though he takes medication, he also uses a saline spray. Saline spray bottles and neti pots use salt water to rinse out your nasal passages and sinuses, thus lessening the intensity of allergic reactions.

    For immediate (but short-lasting) sinus relief, I use vapor strips. These are surprisingly effective for soothing and opening up nasal passages. They're usually mentholated, though, so I can't use them at night (hence the humidifier).

    Another tried-and-true method for clearing stuffed up noses is spicy food--some warm meat cooked with garlic and red chiles will have those sinuses opening in no time!

    Since these remedies don't involve medication, you can use them in combination; I hope at least one of these things works for your son!

  2. Does he drink enough water? Seriously, drinking more water will make his immune system stonger, and his nasal passages less dry. You may also want to try a dehumidifier and an air purifier if drinking more water alone does not help. You can also buy an allergen filter for your air conditioners, and buy allergy free bed tops/pillowcases, wash clothes and bedding in tide free or something similiar. He may always have allergies, but by doing these simple things they will be a lot less severe.

  3. I showed strong signs of allergies both indoor and outdoor when I was about 12 as well. I went to doctors and the like and I tried medications and stuff like that but nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, compares to getting monthly/weekly/bi-weekly shots. I feel so good I am able to walk through a field of flowers without even feeling normal allergy symptoms. I realize you're looking for natural things but the best and most effective method is getting allergy shots. Good luck! p.s. The best way to keep your allergies subdued is dust a lot, keep floors vacuumed and to ensure your son washing his hands A LOT! Don't let him put his hands close to his eyes unless he has washed his hands. Do all these and he shouldn't be miserable.

  4. Have you thought about immunotherapy?

    I've been getting shots for 4 years now and its the best decision I ever made.  I feel so much better.  I used to think feeling like having a constant cold was normal.  I wish I'd have done it ages ago.

  5. Take allergy drops. I have probably worse allergy's then him but the drops helped me so much. I still have a small stuffy nose, but no puffy eyes swollen nose or bad cough.

  6. Have you tried Claritin? It doesn't make you drowsy or make you feel groggy.

  7. There are many homeopathic medicines out there for allergies. This means that they are natural and don't have side effects. Try googling about homeopathic allergy medicines. :)

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