
13, virgin, pregnant? ?

by  |  earlier

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this is so weird. im a definately a virgin. i've never come close to any male fluids at all. but i had a dream about having s*x with some unknown guy, and then i've skipped 2 periods. its probbly just a freak thing, or its hysterical, but either way, im scared, cause i watched this movie once where this lady who was married had a dream about being raped but couldnt remember being raped and then she was preg, and it was like she had blocked it out of her memory or something. i know this has been confusing just please give me an answer to what this could be, cause im scared.

and also im not on any birth control or anything.




  1. 1st of all ur dreams can't get u pregnant so don't even think that how ur probaly pregnant so just go tell ur parents to let you go see a doctor and find out whats wrong

  2. If you wound up being pregnant, then you must be giving birth to God's next child.

  3. You are not pregnant, but you are in desperate of some s*x education, I think your subconscious is trying to  figure things out.  

  4. if you have not been near a boy than your not pregnant lovie xx

    dont panick your periods are probably still regulating and it is quite normal for them not to be in a cycle for quite some time x

    save yourself for someone special when your old enough and you wont have to worryx

    maybe you shouldnt be watching horrible movies its not good for you when  i was young one gave me nightmares for weeks

    good luck and dont be scared your fine

  5. lol no hun youre not pregnant. If you didnt have s*x physically then it is highly unlikey that your are pregnant.

    If a dumb movie like that really had you freaked out and giving you these wild dreams, go read a book.

  6. Hmmmmmm, an immaculate conception...only happened once, if I remember correctly

  7. go tell ur mom or an adult you trust and go see a docter for pregnant teens

  8. woow, the things they put in movies these days.

    you're just paranoid, and the movie hasn't helped.

    don't worry, if you haven't had s*x or anything, then its highly unlikely that you're pregnant.

    try not to think about it, and if it makes you feel better then buy a pregnancy test.

    don't let movies scare you.

  9. Quit watching wierd movies and read a book or something.  Pregnant from a need to see a shrink.

  10. WHAT?

  11. Christ's second coming!

  12. Your not pregnant. As for the movie about the lady being raped while she slept and blocking it out, your a virgin you'd know if you'd been raped. It would have been very, very sore for days and their would be blood most likely.

  13. If you have never come in contact with male fluids, you are not pregnant.  You are only 13 and probably have not had your period for very long.  It's very common for girls your age to be irregular.  And now that you're stressing out, it's throwing off your period.  Just try to calm down and relax.  If you don't get your period in the next few months, just talk to your mom and maybe she can make you a doctor's appointment to make sure everything inside is running smoothly.

  14. No, if you drank acohal or something you could have been raped and not known, nut otherwise not scientificly possible.

  15. It could have been an incubus. i believe they exist and may have had an encounter with one. did you feel exhausted when you woke up?

  16. Frist off,your a virgin so being pregnant is out of the question,here is an idea stop reading about boys and s*x,and second think of it this way.You should really not have s*x in till for at least 5more yrs and get on some sort of birth control.

  17. What is wrong with you kids these days.... Do you ever talk to your parents?

  18. You are definitely being paranoid.

  19. There are lots of reasons why you may have amenorrhea. One cause that I have seen a number of times in teenage girls is severe weight loss. You should see your doctor.  

  20. no u cnt b pregnant just bcoz u had s*x in ur dream. u shouldn't believe in what u saw in a movie as its all made up. so dnt worry n u have missed ur periods because you keep thinking about all dis so its due to depression. don't worry and ul have periods again but if u still have problems den see ur doctor but im sure u can't b pregnant. all the best.

  21. Breathe, tons of ppl stress themselves out about dreams like this for no reason. Even if you are with a guy, some ppl will have psychosomatic symptoms of pregnancy cuz they stressed out so much. It's normal to skip especially if you are only 13, and if things in your life are unusually hectic. If you are really thin then you tend to skip more as well, so be aware of that. You can always buy a pregnancy test if you want. Or if you are really that worried, then you can get put on birth control to regulate yourself but I'm sure everything is fine..

  22. what???no

  23. mm, i see why you are paranoid.

    but just have a close friend or something, buy you a pregnancy test.

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