
13 Weeks and 17 weeks prego?

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Would you be able to tell considerably if you were 17 weeks as opposed to 13 weeks along?




  1. Yes becuase the baby is a little bit bigger.. you may have a little baby bump starting and like I did be able to feel the babys kicks. Also, an ultra sound could definitely tell. Along with your symptoms, they might be subsiding.  

  2. Depends on the person... I'm 20weeks and by looking at me you would never guess

  3. yes you would...but some people barely show at 4.5 months. i didn't start to show until i was 6 months. but today women are being bigger.

  4. definitly at 17wks you may even be able to feel the baby moving like butterflies an be starting to show...where as at 13wks the uterus is still behind the pelvic bones...

  5. Yes!~ You would be able to tell more!

  6. Yeh when you're that far along you notice changes weekly, and mega changes monthly

  7. yes you would... big difference.

  8. YES. Thats 4 weeks difference.

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