
13 Year Old Son wants to bulk up for football?

by Guest56102  |  earlier

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I have a 13 year old son, in 7th grade but plays on the 8th grade team for football. He is a little guy, only 4'11 and only 86 pounds. He is forced to play on the 8th grade team because of his birthday. (He stayed back in Kindergarten). All of the kids on his team are MUCH bigger than he is and not to mention heavier. The lightest kid on the team after my son has my son by 5 pounds.

We got my son a starter weight set and bench and some muscle mass protein mix. My question is how much should he drink of the muscle max and how much weight lifting should he be doing?

He doesnt like being the smallest kid but he has a big heart and wants to play anyway. He is very active outside of football and loves to just play outside.

Any advice you can give would be helpful.

Thanks in advance.




  1. If your son starts weight lifting on a regular basis you can say goodbye to him ever getting any taller, protein drink don't work as effectively as you might think. - I know this doesn't really answer the question but it's some things I thought you should consider.


    Still there maybe right that is just what I've heard and what I've seen; all 4 of my cousins that are short where serious lifters and there rest of my dads side of the family are relatively  tall.

  2. I disagree with Jay07, studys have shown that weight lifting has no effect on growth.  That's an old myth from the 70's that just will not die.

    Bulking up is all about the diet.  Working out is the easy part.  Gaining weight especially muscles.  

    Your son should follow a diet of about 50% cabs, 30% protein, 20% fats. Makes sure he's getting them threw whole healthy foods.  

    I would recommed using the protein supplement after workouts and

    before bed.

    When lifting weights for putting on mass. The weight should be heavy to were he can do about 8-12 reps with.  When his muscles get fatigued(tired) then he's had a good workout.  

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