
13 and only 5'1. Am I too short to be a dancer ?

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Apparently, tall dancers are preferred over short ones. Why do I need to know if i'm too short ? Because I dream of being a professional dancer and my father said that if that's what I want to do, then we can move back to Russia so I can go to a very prestigious dance school. I did the audition a month ago and I made it in. They told me that they'll understand it if I change my mind about going though, because it'd mean moving back to Russia, a huge change, etc.

But I know that if I choose to stay in Australia my dream will not come true (The Australian Ballet can only take you so far). It's a really huge decision, and I really want to go (it's one of the very best dance schools in all of Russia and leads directly to Russia's best dance company). The only problem is, what if I don't become a ballerina ? It's not that I can't dance, it's that I think they prefer taller dancers and I don't know if i'm going to grow or not. If I've already stopped growing, there's probably no chance that i'll ever be a ballerina, which will mean that I changed my whole life for nothing.

What should I do ?!

If I choose to go, I'll have to go in 2 weeks.




  1. Hunny, I'm 17 and I'm 5'2 and I dance just find. When I was your age my doctor told me that I was done growing. She was definitely wrong because at the time I was well under five feet. I've never heard that tall dancers are preffered over short ones. At my dance studio we have very few tall dancers, but I suppose a local dance studio maybe different from a studio that is preparing you for a career.

    My advice, if this is something you truly want and your family is going to support you then go for it. If you don't for all you know you might find out that you will grow another couple of inchs. You will never know if you don't try and I know for a fact there are some short professional ballerinas out there.

    Don't give up on your dreams because you think you might not make it, reach for them because you know you want them. Take the risk and you might find it just might be worth it someday.

  2. height shouldn't matter. I am 5'1 and I do ballet and my teacher is the same height as me and she was a professional dancer.  

  3. im 5'1 and  i dance don't give up your dream for a stupid thing like highth, highth matters for like the rocketts a dancer is all about the auditioning process it really depends on what there looking for some showes need shorter people and some need taller people with that being said its not a issue on how tall you are. i think this is a great oppertunity and you should take it even if it isint going to get you to the top ballerina position it will look good on your applications and experiance :]

  4. Don't let height hold u back and you willl probably grow and if u get sick of going to class make sure that u force yourself through and never i repeat never crumble, so yeah if i was you i'd go for the dance school that will take you the furthest  and say thankyou to yuor farther for me for supporting you through it because my dad said to me that no matter what i do he will always support me  and those words are what get me up early every morning and do my stretches and go to my dance class when i could be sleeping in so make sure you say thankyou to your father for me and for u  

  5. I am 5'0 and i do ballet and jazz everyone in my class wishes they were petite like us flaunt it girl

  6. Okay, your 13. Your still growing...At Aussie Ballet they prefer shorter girls. I've had a teacher who was turned down from there because she was 5"8. So seriously, don't worry.

    If I was you I would go back to Russia-their Ballerinas are insaaanneee. And Aussie Ballet WILL get you somewhere, audition for the Aus. Ballet School first though-your more likely to get into the company.

    I hope this helps :)

  7. Hey there. : )

    You are definitely not too short. Most ballet dancers I know are fairly short, although it is true that for some reason tall dancers are preferred. But really...I think its easier if you're shorter. Tall dancers have a lot of trouble learning to control their long legs and such. But once they do, its beautiful.

    I'm short too. 5'3 17 yrs.

    I consider myself a fairly good dancer. I'm sure you'll be just fine. : )

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