
13 and starting my freshman year, with a 9:00 curfew?

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My city even is on the safest cities list!!!

My dad's a sheriff and way overprotective. My mom's totally cool about it but my DAD rarely lets me out late and my 9:00 curfew is only for special occasions and its usually around 6-8:00.

He's so freaking strict. How do I get him to extend my curfew?




  1. He's right, a 13 year old shouldn't be out after 9pm!

  2. Remember, you still live under your parents roof, you don't pay bills and, have a care free life, they, unlike you have experienced life and know that in today's day and age it is even more dangerous...

    If you came here looking for sympathy, you won't get far, I wish I had had a father who cared so much.

    As you get older your curfew will become less strict... Even at the age of 25 I still had a midnight curfew with my step dad, he said there was no reason I should be out after midnight other than getting in trouble, looking back, he was right..

  3. There's no need for a 13 year old to be roaming the streets after 9pm.  I think that's generous.  Be thankful you have parents care at all.  I think they're right on the money!

  4. Talk it through with him.

  5. I'm sure you're Dad has seen a lot of things at work that no father would ever want his child to be apart of. But talk it through with him and stay calm.

  6. Sorry but your Dad is right.You are too young to be out after dark.You are so young.You don't really know the dangers out in the world.With age comes maturity and with maturity comes privileges.

  7. I'd show them that they can trust you by being responsible. 9 is pretty good for a 13 year old.  

  8. You must understand that as a law officer, your father sees what goes on in your city more than you may.  Also look at it from this perspective: Even if your city is safer than usual, there are still evil people out there, and daddy is just looking to protect you.  

    Take the time to appreciate this strictness, and responsibly follow what he asks of you for a while.  If you are responsible enough to take what he throws at you in a mature level, you can eventually dive into the world of conversing over new boundaries with your dad.  Along with him seeing you understand where his point of view is, he may even start to become a little leaner with his rules.  But remember to be careful!!!!! Be aware and know when something is wrong with your surroundings, with this behavior, your dad will see you've got a good head on your shoulders and let up a bit.

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