
13 counts of child molestation. how long in jail?

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one of my former employees has been in jail for almost a year. he just got convicted today for 13 counts of child molestation. he gets his sentencing on october 3rd. how long do you think he will get? i hope it's for the rest of his life!




  1. It doesn't really matter how much time he gets. Once the other prisoners find out what he's in there for, his days are numbered. Look what happened to that priest who went to prison for molesting kids in his church. He was justifiably taken out by a cellmate.

  2. state law guidelines, degrees of all the charges..could end up in their for some time..each state has different law on child molestation/sexual assaults..would indeed be nice for a life sentence..pedophiles are very sick people.

  3. not long enough

  4. He should get death sentence or life in jai, but unlikely cause  the supreme court decision of reject death sentence for child molestation.

  5. 13 counts? A sicko like that deserves to be killed by the most slowest painful way

  6. They should let him be in jail for forever and let him get better then he gave.  There's got to be a special place in h**l for people like that.

  7. He will probably sit in jail for the rest of his life, and get the same treatment from his inmates!

  8. Depending On The Extent Of The Charge Misdemeanor Or Felony If Any Of The Victims Are Physically Hurt/ Wounded The Prosecutors Will Seek The Death Penalty I Feel Sorry For The Friend But I Am A Prosecutor And A My Firm I Do Believe That I Would Seek The Death Penalty Congress Is Now Trying To Pass A Law Where Even 1 Count Of Child Molestation Will Result In The Death Penalty GOOD LUCK HE  IS GOING TO NEED IT

  9. When i read the question, i thought you were planning on molestering a child... Some places say that the max. sentence for child molestation is 40 years, and some say it is life... i'm not sure... But 13 counts... I sure hope it's life!

  10. Im hoping LIFE also. That b*****d How could he.

  11. My, my we are quick to judge. Not enough info. What if it was 13 counts with a girl 16 and he is 19? When does a female cease to be a girl and become a woman? It not a magic trick that is accomplished with a birthday. All this plays into what the judge or the jury decides. The religious right has poisoned our judicial system.

  12. his sentences from me would be to get raped everyday while in jail.  

  13. i hope he gets longer than the rest of his life

  14. a long long time, that sick b*****d

  15. Should be sent to the electric chair if you ask me.

  16. well one count of rape is life so i would assume he would get life for 13 counts of molestation but probably not this is the american judicial system.

  17. hopefully life that's what the sick b*****d needs

  18. hopefully life in prison, but if it was me i would execute him and all the child molester.  

  19. Not nearly long enough.

  20. The rest of his life isn't long enough.  They ought to take him out back and shoot him.  That is truly what he deserves.  

  21. Forever i hope...but it depends on the state that u guys live in...but 13 sure he probably wont be getting out for a long while

  22. certainly not long enough casterate the b*****d!!

  23. it depends on the situation.It depends on the circumstances,like the age of the child,does he have a prior record,I feel  a molester is a molester simple.They look at was the child penetrated or just touched stupid stuff like that.

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