
13 going on diaper!!!!!!!!!!!

by Guest33297  |  earlier

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this may sound really really weird but i am 13 and i still wet the bed i wear adult diaper, and my friends and i are having a huge sleepover with 10 people over and i dont know how to hide the diaper!




  1. ummm dont wear the diaper and stay up through the nite  

  2. i definitely agree with what meg said... if they were ur TRUE friends they wouldn't care and u would feel comfortable with them enough too not care. but yeah wear ur p;j's as if its nothing and if they say n e thing then you definitely know they're TRUE COLOR

  3. don't wear the diaper just use the bathroom right before you sleep.....or wear pj pants to hide the diaper...if that works

  4. Okay, that is something that you cant help, so if they were your true friends then they wouldn't care if you have to wear a diaper or not.

  5. Wear a huge pad

  6. i like the chicky above me idea :D

  7. ^.^

    its not weird!

    just wear it with big, baggy [REALLY baggy] silk

    pajama pants and no one should notice.

    if they do and say, "why are your pants so big?"

    just be like, "psh. you calling me fat?" jokingly and

    laugh and change the subject.

    good luck!!

    <3 Casey.

    [this is from another 13 year old]

  8. Get Goodnites, they have them in large enough sizes for kids your age and they can't be seen under baggy pajamas (such as basketball shorts) go into the bathroom to change and no one will know.

  9. how old are you really? One question you asked you were  13, and then you were 9, and then you were 14, and then 17.  You have to tell the truth or you won't get accurate answers....

    and about the diaper? haven't you been to sleepovers before with this problem?

  10. Have you been to the doctor for this problem?  Why don't you used the restroom before going to sleep and set your alarm for about four hours later, so you can go to the restroom.  Or you can always make up an excuse about why you can't go to the sleepover.

  11. this is OK.  My daughter wet the bed until she was almost 12.   She wore the goodnights  for a long time.  I know they were more like underwear and came in larger sizes.  SHe would always pack a small trash bag with her and  she would wrap it up on the morning without anyone knowing.  Surprisingly, she didn't really wet when she was at sleepovers.   I know its embarrasing, but don't be.  Your body is still maturing on the inside.  

    Good luck and have fun at the sleepover.

    *you can always tell them you have your period really heavy and thats why you have on a " larger Pad".

  12. have a small bag with pjs and diaper in. go to the bathroom to change. put the diaper on in the bathroom and nobody will know.

    say you are very shy! or you need to have a wee, so will get changed while you are in there

    same for the morning. put clean clothes and a plastic bag in your big bag.  when you wake up, say you are washing and dressing and hide the diaper in a small wetproof bag below all your other stuff

  13. When you're warm and comfortable you'll go, but when you're cold you're uncomfortable and you won't go. Don't sleep with covers, go to the restroom before you go to sleep, and go to bed thirsty.

    Have fun and stay dry!

  14. first u say ur like 14 in one question then u said u were 17 in one question and now ur saying that ur 13!!!!! so really how old r u!!!!!!

  15. wear it too the sleep over. It may not be comfortable but just wait until you are at a sleepover and everyone starts laughing at you and THEN talk about uncomfortable. It really isn't a big deal though, and if your friends would think any differently of you because you wet the bed, then they aren't true friends. The first part was just trying to save you from the embarrassment but listen more to the second part then anything else. hope I helped :D  

  16. umm that is weird but i understand you concern

    if they see it say i have a problem and if they are mean you will know which ones are true friends and which ones aren't. If they give you a hard time say, "hey, if you think i'm weird well sorry i can't help that, and we are all different and if you treat me like that then you obviousl aren't my freinds" something like that. You could get changed in the bathroom and wear your diaper under baggy pyjamas and maybe they won't see. Make sure your closest friend their knows and will support you.

    hope it helps and good luck!!

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