
13 mo old who throws anything and everything! I need help!?

by Guest57418  |  earlier

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He has a pretty good arm and loves to throw ball and catch 24 hrs a day. However, he tries to throw other inappropriate items, too, like breakables and food. The food throwing is the worst, especially out in public. He gets reprimanded, believe me, but I feel like I say "No!" for no reason. He just does it again next time. Help! What can I do to break this horrible habit or am I stuck with it for another year or so?




  1. look him in the eye and say No, take the item away. If he does it again put hlim in time out he will learn eventually. (yes 13month olds can go to time out - meaning like a play pen)

  2. Speak to him like an adult.  He understands you - Believe me.  Before he throws his food, look him in the eye, and tell him that if he throws his food, he will not get any more.

    If he throws his food, don't give him any more.  He might cry, and throw a tantrum, but trust me he will not starve.  Try to avoid causing a scene in public by getting this down at home first, until he can behave himself.

    He just wants your attention, and by retrieving all the fun things he has thrown, he is getting it.

    As far as the breakables go - Where is a 13 month old getting breakables? :)

    Just keep them out of reach so he doesnt get any ideas~

    Getting back to the food thing;

    Whatever he is throwing, take it away for 10 or 15 minutes, and do something else together.  Try eating again.  If he tosses it, take it away for another 15 minutes, etc, etc, etc util he finally gets it.

    ...You might be doing this for a few days.

  3. When my daughter went thru that stage I made her clean up what mess she made. You will need to "help" him but he will get the point really fast. I also now use the phrase, "we only throw balls outside, everything else we dont throw." It will take awhile for him to understand, but he will understand it a lot sooner if you start it now.

  4. Don't take him out to eat...and keep breakables out of his hands.

  5. I throw stuff when im angry, maybe he is angry get anger managment or summat

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