Here's a weird one... my 13 month old son has recently begun drinking water in long stretches, like it's a bottle of milk. Most kids would just "sip" it, right? He gulps it down like he's dying of thirst and then freaks if I take it aware, lower the sippy, or try to get him to hold the cup himself. He does this all day and into the night, and it's been going on for over a week now.
He's not feverish or otherwise unwell. I think he might be teething a little, but he's not interested in the things that would normally soothe him (pacifier, frozen teething rings, etc.). He just wants to drink as much as he can.
What would cause this? It's just strange... it's just plain water. There's no possible way that he could be dehydrated with all the fluids that he's taking in.