
13 months old hardly napping?

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My 13 month old son has been through a lot of changes recently. His dad and I are separated and so we (the baby and I) have recently moved to the other side of the state. He was very close to my MIL, who kept him daily and sometimes overnight for me so that I could work and go to school. She was very good with him, although probably a little indulgent and spoiled him a little.

In the last month, since we've moved, I've started "sleep training" (i.e. "let him cry it out"). It's been rough, especially since I think he's stressed with all the changes, and no doubt, senses my frustrations in trying to deal with everything alone.

The sleep training goes very well at night. I put him down between 8:30-9:00PM, and after 10-15 minutes of crying, he's out like a light. However, his naps are futile.

He wakes up between 7:30AM-8:45AM each day, and by 11:30AM he's slumping over and ready for a nap. However, when I put him in the crib, he sleeps for maybe 30-45 minutes (max). By 4:00-5:00PM, he needs another nap (falling over, very whiny, etc.), but again, a very short nap.

I don't think he's getting enough sleep. He's whiny, clingy, and very difficult to please. Maybe it's all the stress of the changes mingled with the fact that he's becoming an independent, frustrated toddler... but I'm worried that the lack of sleep is making things worse.

Any tips?




  1. How recent was this change? it's probably not a good idea to make any more changes because he probably feels insecure at this point and grieving.

    And then again some one year olds don't nap.

  2. Does he fall asleep in the car?  If so, it may not be a bad idea to let him fall asleep that way then to transfer him to the crib once asleep.  He may sleep longer.  I know it's not necessarily ideal, but if it leads him to take longer naps, its worth a shot, right?

  3. My daughter is 13 months old as well. She's a fairly good napper.  

    What I suggest is why don't you try laying down beside him.  It sounds like he's had several people either leave his life or not be around so much....and he's probably scared his mommy is going to leave him to.  That would explain the clinginess.  And it's this age they don't understand what is going on.  

    So maybe for a while....under these special should try letting him nap in your bed...just lay beside him until he's asleep.  Knowing you are there will most likely help him fall asleep better and maybe stay asleep longer.  I know you don't want him to sleep with you forever...but he's going through a tough time...

    I think that's what I'd do for my little one.  

    Also usually it's about this age when they go from having 2 naps to 1.  My daughter goes down for a 2 hour nap after lunch.  So maybe finding a new nap schedule for your little guy isn't a bad idea too.

  4. He sounds like my 13 month old (the sleep part that is)  It's terribly annoying.  He's probably going through a phase.  My son will go for a week or so taking two 1/2 hour naps, and then the next week he's back to normal.  Could your babe also be teething?  It sounds like he's getting enough sleep -- it's probably all the changes + if he's working on walking, that can be completely frustrating for them too.  He's got a lot going on. Just try to stick to your normal routine and things should improve  

  5. It sounds like he's getting enough sleep.  About 12 hours at night and a few hours during the day?

    He'll soon be at the point where he only needs one nap a day (hopefully a long one).  Right now I think you should try to send him for nap #1 after a snack around 10:30am.  Send him for nap #2 around 3:00pm.  He should wake up before each meal and still be ready for bed.  

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