
13 need money 500 exactly ?

by  |  earlier

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i know what to do with the money i need a way to get money great ideas not like mow lawns or lemonade stands. I need real ideas no websites cause those are g*y and I'm not gonna sit around all day answering questions




  1. Yeah websites are stupid.

    And so is the person above me, for answering with that answer...

    Mowing lawns actually does bring in some money, say $10 a week for one lawn.

    But that would take awhile to get the money, especially because grass doesn't always grow super fast.

    Ask your parents for money for:

    - mopping/sweeping the floors

    - vacuuming

    - washing their cars

    - watering the plants

    - fertilizing the lawn

    - dusting

    - pressure-washing the driveway

    - helping with yard work

    - dishes

    - giving backrubs

    - giving foot rubs

    - picking berries


    - washing cars

    - clean their room

    - do their laundry

    - do their chores

    - do their homework (yeah don't do it...blah blah...)


    - walking dogs

    - babysitting

    - lawn/yard care


    - dares (my friends pay each other to l**k trees or ask random people questions, not much, but like a couple bucks)

    Good luck!

  2. You could always beg. I mean, go out on the street and pretend to be homeless.

  3. you can make money any way you want you have to try and work hard at it money doesnt drop from trees i am 18 been in business 2 years last year my company turned 300,000 dollar i work my *** off when i started i only had $1000.00 like i said you can do anythink its best if you like what you are doing so think about it if you need help let me know

  4. While I tend to agree that neither holding a lemonade stand nor sitting around answering questions all day is not going to make you rich and famous, I'd like to know why you believe that mowing lawns isn't a reasonable way to make money? I know alot of people who work in lawn care and make some pretty decent money doing it... not only mowing lawns but spreading mulch, pulling weeds, edging, planting flowers, seeding lawns, etc. These people are called landscapers and there's BIG money in it if you're good and these people also get referrals from customers to other customers to other customers. Don't be so quick to judge mowing lawns as a stupid or "g*y" way to make money. But, assuming that's not for you, that's fine... but only YOU know what you consider to be a "real answer" based on what you like doing, can do, have the time or energy or equipment to do, but mainly what your customers are willing to pay you to do. Some teens enjoy painting rooms or cleaning attics/basements. Some kids might like selling products online or offline. Some may enjoy making crafts and selling them through a number of distribution channels including local gift shops. What are your hobbies and interests? You might be able to get a sweet little business going selling certain kinds of books to certain people. You might want to wash windows or vacuum cars or even design your own line of tshirts or other products. Did you know that your library has a number of books specifically for teens and tweens??? I have seen (and read) several of them. The only thing stopping you from making money is YOU. Some teens make money babysitting or hosting puppet shows or ironing clothes or baking things or letting their cameras or computers or writing skills make money for them. Have you thought about selling things like energy light bulbs or programmable thermostats or even "green" products like non toxic cleaning products? Have you thought about setting up a recycling center for old bottles, newspapers, scap metals, etc.??? There are alot of things you CAN do rather than listing those which you can't or don't want to do. I was selling products at 12 and never regretted it. Whatever you decide to do, be at the best at it and the money will follow.

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