
13 weeks and I can't find heartbeat on home doppler?

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I was able to hear my first two children's heartbeats at 12 weeks, but i borrowed a friends doppler - which came from an obgyn. This time around (3rd pregnancy) I bought my own "bebe sounds" doppler and can't find a heartbeat...

All my symptoms: frequent urination, being sick ALL day, etc have pretty much disappeared. I am only a little sick at night but by morning I'm fine. Weird I know. No bleeding or anything like that and all was well at last appointment on ultrsound. In fact they moved my EDD from 3/9/09 to 3/3/09 b/c baby was bigger than expected.

So i go fro my next appointment Monday, but just wanted some opinions on the at home dopplers and also about the symptoms fading??

Thanks so much!!




  1. I have the same bebe sounds doppler and it was a waste of money. I never heard either of my babies' heartbeats with it. I'm sorry you can't either. It's frustrating. I hope maybe yours will eventually work for you, I'm 22 weeks with this one and haven't heard it yet. :(

  2. those dont work unless youre into your 3rd 21 week and all i can hear is the baby moving occasionally.

  3. Unless you are trained please just forget about the doppler.  Now you are worried over nothing probably and you wouldn't have had care in the world had you never borrowed the thing - so that tool is actually giving you no reassurance at all..  throw it out.

  4. I heard those doppler things are c**p and all they make you do is worry because you can never find the heartbeat...

    As far as symptoms go, I'm just about 14 weeks and my symptoms are completely gone and its to the point where i feel like i'm not even pregnant! I've had no bleeding or bad cramps, but i just feel to good to be pregnant i guess! All i have are really bad headaches!

  5. Bebe sounds dopplers don't work even late in most pregnancies. It's normal for your symptoms to fade at 12wks also, you are entering the 2nd trimester.

    Try renting a real doppler somewhere like instead. Those worked well for me.

  6. i was going to say that the ones from the store dont work really well from the reviews i read on baby's r us website. But you said this was onethat you got from the doctors or the same kind? I'm not really sure with that one. why dont you just go have one of those 2d 3d 4d ultrasounds and that will tell you for sure if your baby is okay. you could always go the er if your worried that something is wrong

  7. My friend has the bebe sounds doppler and couldn't find hers until almost 16 weeks.

    Also some symptoms are known to fade in the second trimester, which is where you are just at.

    Try not to stress, it's no good for the little bean!

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